• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
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How is the Traffic on This Information Super Highway? · 4:49pm Oct 14th, 2018

A few weeks ago, maybe a month, I noticed a post on EQD about how some people say the fandom is dying, but then it goes on to point out the numerous examples of fan works still being put out every week. I just shrugged and went on to the next post, not really caring if like all things, interest in pony wanes to the point of 'meh' levels. It happens. Hell, my meetup group doesn't even talk about pony anymore, we just hang out on our day off and play a board game or something.

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Hey, I know it's been some years since you last wrote and published full time, but I do see you still log on, so I wanted to ask you something.

Would you be willing to upload and publish whatever work you have left for the series that are... left behind... as it were? Even if it's just nothing but plot points that you had jotted down or even just remember if you don't have the docs anymore.

I know it's a weird request, but it would be nice to see where you had wanted to take them and what could have been, especially for some of your older stories that are going on more than 5 years is inactivity. Sorry if this is a weird one, but I just like to see what people can create with just their minds and it leaves me wanting when a story is left behind.

Hey there,
I was going over my library and noticed (again) that each and every one of your stories is on my favorites list. I would love to see more chapters published, but even if no more are coming, I wanted to pass along my appreciation for these great stories. Thank you for writing and publishing these great works!

hello, are you going to continue the story?

hello, are you still active?

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