• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen November 23rd


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In an effort to find the couple that truly needs her help to find some romance in their life, Cadance develops a spell to send her to them.

It's just that when she gets there, neither of the creatures seem that interested in her help. They want to talk about silly stuff like her magic, the existence of other dimensions, stupid government conspiracies meant to keep aliens under wraps, and whether she is a winged unicorn, or a pegasus with a horn when they should just KISS ALREADY!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 123 )

This could be interesting.


watched. Lovehorse's season is here.

Looks interesting. Is that... X-Files? I’m not sure as I don’t watch any TV, but as long as this doesn’t need lots of pre-knowledge of the show I should be fine with it.

Needs some proof-reading done spotted a few errors. Mostly small misspells and word swaps.

So what season of X-Files does Cadance land in?

“I don’t have episodes, Shiny,” Cadance told him with a little frown.


“Mulder...did I just run over a unicorn?” the female asked.

“I don’t think unicorns have wings, Scully.”


...I actually ran a ponyfinder RP a couple years ago which had shoddy Cadance Kadan merch picked up by the party and squeed over at length by several party members... laughed when I read the mention of it here.


But when I started the story i completely missed the human and crossover tags, so assumed it would be ponies.

Practically did a spittake across my screen at the last couple lines =D

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Oh, shit. I'm gonna read this thing so freaking hard you don't even know.

Dude... Moulder and Scully. X Files? I refuse to believe I'm so old that the current generation doesn't know about it.

Gone shipping.Be back in two weeks.

I lost it here :rainbowlaugh:

This is bound to be excellent. Insta fave, I just know this is going to make me laugh like there's no tomorrow. :pinkiehappy:

So much yes for this concept

The only thing you need to know going into this is that Cancer Man is a bastard.

Mulder and Scully...

Oh god damn it. She ended up in the X Files. This is gonna be good

Cadance shipping mulder and scully? This will be interesting to say the least.


By Cancer-Man do you mean that guy who was made of Cancer and could somehow survive getting his head cut off, but couldn't survive a defib unit to the cranium? Or Cigarette Smoking Man?

Yes...So much YYEEESSSS!!!! :pinkiecrazy::yay:
Play that wonderful theme song!!!!:pinkiecrazy::yay::yay:

Cancer Man = CSM, not some mediocre MoW.

The terrifying shipper has descended.

They're the same person. I've heard both names for him, and have always preferred Cancer Man because it rolls off the tongue better than The Cigarette Smoking Man.

Cadence just has NO IDEA of how hard her task is. At least she's lucky, no secret conspirator in the X-Files universe would be caught dead or otherwise with a pink talking winged unicorn. Even deep throat has a limit!

hhaahhahha love this story already

This is certainly a new crossover that I would have never imagined.... I need more

We've been shipping those two for twenty-five years now, Cadence. Good luck, you're gonna need it.

Read long description. Guessed X-Files.

Found X-Files. Completely delighted to be right.

you have some sort of president

"Precedent." :twilightsmile:

it was a rouge arm of the government,

Communists?! :pinkiegasp: ("rogue" :twilightsmile:)

I wonder if Cadance maintains all of her native toon-physics characteristics. :rainbowlaugh:

How I feel about this story

“-without saying it’s magical. I was just wondering what it would take for you to believe in aliens,” he finished. “Would I have to be abducted for you to believe, Scully?”


As a fan of both series this is beautiful and please continue!

married do to some


bring her two would


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was a rouge arm of


“Cutie mark. It’s called a cutie mark. Oh, and pegasus is the name of a species.”

At first I was believing that this was Scully admitting to having been a fan of MLP as a kid ^^;;;

Well, you have my attention... do continue; I am intrigued

I love this more and more

All of my yes, just all of it.

OK, wasn't expecting this direction. Well played, I thought it was a Lyrabon fic.

I demand MOAR! :flutterrage:

Please? :pinkiesad2: It's WONDERFUL, & further chapters would also be wonderful. :twilightsmile:

Dammit...YOU BEAST!!

Do you have any idea what you just done?! Now I have to binge watch x-files :raritydespair:

This story is gold

That last quote was Priceless. :rainbowlaugh:

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here wondering how long it's going to take Cadance to figure out that "magic" is a term which will only serve to further confuse Mulder and Scully. I mean, COME ON, Cadance! This world is barren of the stuff; you're gonna have to go full-on r/explainlikeimfive on this one...

If they actually explained to her everything abut their job and situation she'd laugh so hard it wouldn't be funny. Specially when she began using magic to say "yeah, those things exist and are easy to do. Aliens don't surprise me, you should see what my sister in law does weekly! By the way I came from another dimension to make sure you become a loving couple because damn you need help."

That would break moulder so hard it wouldn't be even funny :fluttershyouch:

“Yes!” Cadance exclaimed. They were doing what she wanted. It seemed as if any hope of trying to get a grasp of their relationship had been lost once that Mulder boy had started asking her questions, but it looked like that had only been a temporary problem. “That! Go back to doing that, please.”

Somebody's got their priorities straight.

Scully’s inner scientific critic that ran on all things rational jumped up to shout, THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE, while Cadance went about setting Mulder’s coat down on the little couch by the door.

Scully's gonna need a lot of alcohol.

You know, when I read the description, I wasn't expecting to like this story. I thought that the two humans would be in a really obvious, cliche relationship and that it would be boring. I grew up watching X-Files, and this came so far out of left field that I'm stunned. This is perfect. Thank you.

high school to check out rumors of demonic possession during a homecoming dance.

EQG reference?

which Scully believed was French

It's more [slightly butchered] Italian.

large adored a



I imagine Scully screaming after hearing that.:rainbowlaugh:
And that's before finding out the real reason for what Caddy came to Earth.

Without enough information on the creatures and their interaction, there was no way Cadance could craft a plan that would end with the two of them being a couple without the use of love magic, which she didn’t even know if these beings would approve of. So, it was just better to watch their exchanges for the time being.

Yeah, Cady, honey? Sorry but with these two you're gonna have to use all of your magic and lock them in the motel room together. And after that, one of them will get kidnapped by the government and mind wiped and the whole thing will take three more seasons and a movie to get resolved in a really half-assed manner because Carter got bored with the whole thing.

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