• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
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"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."

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I've been invited to a podcast · 1:54am Aug 31st, 2022

This blog is pretty easily summed up by the title. I've been invited to appear on a podcast, specifically The Barcast. They interview a variety of notable, or perhaps notorious, people from among the fandom and I'm their latest choice. I'd say they must be scraping the bottom of the barrel in that case, but I'm too flattered by the attention to say no. They are taking audience questions here (

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Report psychicscubadiver · 532 views ·
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Yo, really enjoying your Dresden fillies series, despite never having read the Dresden files. I must ask, are you continuing the series, or has life forced it onto the back burner? I haven't yet started reading the last story, but I just wanted to know if it'll be continued.
Have a blessed day.

Lord it's been a while since I logged on but excited to see a new chapter for great power, worth asking, are you posting your writing anywhere else as well these days?

I'm not saying I'm Jim Butcher, but am I saying I was the only person using a pseudonym among the fanfic winners. Make of that what you will. And yes, thank you!

Sorry for the late response and I am flattered, but I do not have either of those. Fanfiction is just a hobby of mine and I'm already financially solvent. It does mean a lot to me that you like my material enough to want to donate, tho.

So I just noticed a certain username on a certain writers website.
Congratz on winning the fanfiction contest and I guess we've now officially seen you and Butcher in the same (digital) room, disproving once and for all that you're the same person. Unless of course you entered your own contest for the hell of it...
And Hogs Wild was a fun read too.

Hi Psychicscubadiver, I hope you are doing well in these crazy times! Do you have a Patreon or a Ko-Fi type of account if people want to support you and your work?

  • Viewing 116 - 120 of 120
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