• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
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"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."


This story is a sequel to The Endless Song

The deepest loves and cruelest hatreds are born out of isolation.

I have been consumed by one and watched the other consume my only friend.

My name is Artemis, and this is the story of a fool who almost lost everything.

Chapters (1)

Dear Celestia,

If you're reading this it means my infiltrators are better than your guards. Boom! Point to Chrysalis. But seriously, don't take it too hard. Changelings are just naturally better than ponies at so many things. That being true, wouldn't it be a lot easier to work with us instead of against us? Don't worry, I'm not talking about another coup. I'm talking about a real partnership, an opportunity that you just can't afford to pass up.

Art by: NCMares

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Firefly: Whole New Verse

They say that Equestria was a paradise, I wanna believe that's true. It’s tough to get by these days with the Confederation cracking down. Still, a mare has to make a livin’ somehow.
– Rainbow Dash, Captain of Tranquility

With two fugitives on board and bills to pay Captain Dash starts looking for work, but it isn't too long before a job finds her. A few thefts and some smuggling are nothing new to the crew, and gemstones don't even take up much room. And with the size of the payout being offered, how could Dash say no? Only, the first gem they were supposed to pick up is missing. Why can't things ever be as easy as they sound?

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Dresden Fillies: False Masks

It's been a while since the girls have seen their good friend Harry Dresden. Discord escaped, Luna attended her first Nightmare Night, the Royal Wedding was crashed by hordes of changelings, and Pinkie Pie threw a statistically improbable number of parties. They tried inviting Dresden, but between his new job and new apprentice, he always claimed to be too busy. The solution was obvious; if he couldn't come to his friends, they needed to go visit him. Besides, they say Earth is lovely this time of year. What could go wrong?

Chapters (14)

They say that Equestria was a paradise. I don’t know if that’s true, but I wanna believe it. There sure ain’t one in this piece of the ‘Verse. Maybe we coulda built one if it weren’t for the damned Confederation. Those bastards wanted every planet in the system under their hoof and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The outer planets fought ’em, and we lost.

It’s tough to get by these days with Confederation lawkeepers looking for an excuse to crack down, bandits and thieves crawling everywhere the Confederation’s not, and the Jesters prowling around the edges of civilized space. Honest work’s hard to come by, and honest folk are twice as rare. Still, a mare has to make a livin’ somehow. So that’s what I do.

Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying.
– Rainbow Dash, Captain of Tranquility

Chapters (7)

Wilfred Xavier Manning is an exemplary clerk. However, he is somewhat less qualified to deliver invitations. Especially when the recipients are six of the strangest girls he has ever met. Such a minor detail means nothing to a man with Wilfred's sense of duty, yet still waters run deep. There is more to each girl than there appears, and if Wilfred is brave enough, there may be more to him as well.

Story image by: NanyJfreak

Chapters (4)

Collected here are the various omakes, bonus chapters and any other extra content from the Dresden Fillies series.

All of the following are non-canon to the Dresden Fillies series, except 'Ditzy Dream' and 'Obsidian Journeys' which are companion pieces to 'The Dresden Fillies: False Masks'. All stories containing spoilers will include a disclaimer.

Story image by Jameson9101322

Chapters (9)

Once, I was alone.

I felt neither sorrow nor joy at this. The presence or absence of others meant nothing to me. The universe moved in silence, and I drifted in its flow.

Then came the song.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Brony International Guard

When the Brony International Guard came to town Lyra thought all of hers dreams had come true. Finally, she had proof that nopony could argue with. But there's something strange about these creatures who call themselves 'bronies'. It isn't just their weird humor or quirky behavior. They're keeping secrets from everypony, and only Lyra seems to notice, or even care. None of investigations have solved this mystery just yet, but with the arrival of some new divisions, she may finally have the chance she needs...

Chapters (1)

Night and day. Fire and ice. Creation and destruction. Everything has an opposite, and Chaos is no exception. Princess Celestia tells Twilight the true history of Discord's rise, the Alicorns' fall, and the creation of the Elements of Harmony.

She tells her student the story of Order and Chaos.

Chapters (3)