• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
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"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."


I've been invited to a podcast · 1:54am Aug 31st, 2022

This blog is pretty easily summed up by the title. I've been invited to appear on a podcast, specifically The Barcast. They interview a variety of notable, or perhaps notorious, people from among the fandom and I'm their latest choice. I'd say they must be scraping the bottom of the barrel in that case, but I'm too flattered by the attention to say no. They are taking audience questions here (

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I won a contest and new chapter on the horizon. · 3:05pm Dec 16th, 2020

Hello, everyone. Sorry for the long silence, but I am still alive, believe it or not.

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New DF: Extra Stuff and still doing things! · 12:14am Sep 14th, 2018

The title honestly says it all. I just published a new chapter of Dresden Fillies: Extra Stuff, which is the collection of odds and ends of Dresden/MLP crossover that doesn't quite fit into my main stories. In this case it's a story inspired by a reader comment 'What if Fluttershy picked up one of the Blackened Denarius?". My answer to that was so involved (over 13K words) that I considered publishing it as its own story. But in the end it fit best in 'Extra Stuff' and I hope you'll check it

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I HAVE AWOKEN · 9:35pm Jun 24th, 2018

The timetable for new chapters is questionable, but rest assured faithful readers that my hiatus is over and new chapters will be coming.

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Not dead yet, but not writing either · 1:36am Sep 25th, 2017

So this is a blog post I should have done a while ago and I'm sorry for not saying something sooner. As it turns out, the final year of getting my doctorate is the most time-consuming thing I've ever done in my life. Between a full 40 hours a week fulfilling school requirements, having a part-time job on the side to continue living and maintaining the bare minimum of social interaction with friends and family, I have had little time to write. Y'all probably noticed that my writing has slowed

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An Offer You'll Hopefully Accept · 3:52pm Apr 22nd, 2017

So, a mere three weeks later (damn my busy schedule) I'm finally responding to the reactions to 'An Offer She Can't Excuse". I have to admit when the comments first started to pour in I was very surprised to find quite a few people disliking the ending. It took a couple of read-throughs of the chapter and some deep thought before I realized what had gone wrong. The problems were two-fold, or perhaps one fed into the other. The main problem being that I lost the ridiculous, absurdist tone that

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Exciting Happenings! · 1:24pm Mar 16th, 2017

So, it's been nearly a year since my last blog post. Giving you guys another update seems about right.

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The Fool of April and three for three. · 11:47am Apr 2nd, 2016

First off, the latest Dresden Fillies chapter was the actual chapter, except for the last two paragraphs.

Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who gave me the immense credit of introducing a truly devious plot twist rather than assuming I had completely gone off the rails.

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New Chapter and a Contest. · 5:57pm Feb 25th, 2016

Just finished and published a new chapter of 'Firefly: The Long Job' and I'm feeling good about my resolution to do one chapter per month. The next Dresden Fillies chapter is well into the planning stages and should be out in March.

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If you enjoy the Dresden Files RPG or resolutions this is the place for you. · 6:58pm Jan 6th, 2016

This year I've decided that my New Year's resolution is to publish at least one chapter of a story (Gregor McAwesome doesn't count) each month of 2016. Last year was the first time I ever set a serious resolution for myself and I managed to met it, so I'd like to see if I can have as much success in my second as I did with my first. And speaking of Gregor, well, I think we have enough data to agree that that experiment was not a success. I'll probably still update it every now and again when

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