Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,275 stories

The Library Is Now Closed To New Submissions

Previously featured fanfics can be found in the Featured folder.
A fair amount of the staff can now be found in Tag-a-long's Book Club.

To avoid spammers, this group has been set to invite only. Please PM an active admin if you want an invite. (SweetAI Belle or Winter_Solstice)

Featured Story

In Memoriam, for Hearth's Warming...

EAll I want for Hearthswarming...
Poor Diamond can never seem to catch a break.
RarityEQM · 1.4k words  ·  32  1 · 1.1k views

Group Promotions

The Master List of MLP Character Support Groups, Pony and Otherwise - This list for groups was big enough that I moved it to its own thread.

Groups To Support Authors:
Art For Fanfiction - Need art for your fanfic, or want to draw art for someone else's?
Authors Helping Authors - A group based on the radical premise that authors should help each other.
Author Support - A group dedicated to discussing writing and helping you out as an author.
Looking For Editors - Need an editor or prereader?
Struggling Authors - Yet another group for helping authors.
The Writer's Group - Isn't everybody a member of this group?
Pleasant Commentator and Review Group* - A review group aimed at constructive criticism
WRITE - A group staffed by reviewing/pre-reading/editing veterans that's always open to new applicants.
School For New Writers - A group for teaching you how to be a better writer. (Dormant)

Groups To Support Admins:
The Admins Group = A group for aspiring and experienced admins to come share, learn, and give advice to or from other fellow admins.
The Coalition Against Adminless Groups* - This group is for talking about unmaintained groups you are trying to get running again, and for people looking for admins or looking to be admins.

Groups For Specialized Topics:
Cuteness Overload - A group dedicated to pictures and stories of cute fillies.
House of D'aww* - A group dedicated to any and all cute MLP pictures and stories.
Science! in Equestria* - Because "Equestria needs more SCIENCE!"
Sensual Fiction (SFG) - Sensual and emotionally evocative tales that give the reader a real experience.
The Fillyfoolers - A group for all Fillyfooler fics and fans, and a place for mares that like other mares.

Discussion Groups:
Anti-Depression Bronies* - A safe haven for people feeling sad or depressed to gather.
Love and Tolerate - A nice, non-stressful place to hang out.
The Rogue Bronydom - A group for people to discuss anything they wish (except hating on authors/stories).

Other Groups You May Be Interested In:
Tag-a-long's Book Club - A group with story scouts dedicated to finding new stories. (arcum42's new project after Twilight's Library)
Seattle's Angels - A group dedicated to finding and reviewing hidden gems of fanfiction.
Buried Treasures (Stories That Deserve More Attention) - Showcasing good stories that need more love.
The Shameless Self Promotion Bureau - A shamelessly-promoted group for shameless self-promotion.
The Last Roundup - A viable alternative to the Featured Box.
Royal Canterlot Library - The official group for the Royal Canterlot Library website.

Affiliated Libraries:
Cadence's Library - Cadence loves everything.
Luna's Library - Luna specializes in crossovers.
Sombra's Library - He wants your mature fics, no matter how unusual.
Sweetie Belle's Library - All cuteness, all the time.
Twily's Library - All stories must be about foals.
Spike's Basement o' Shame - Hide your guilty pleasures here.

Possibly Dead or Dormant Libraries:
Celestia's Library - Celestia prizes originality.
The Gem Hunters - A group that categorizes submitted fanfiction based on types of gems.

Groups marked with an asterisk have at least one admin in common with Twilight's Library.
All groups listed as Affiliated Libraries share multiple admins with Twilight's Library.

Forum rules can be found here.
The Shameless Fanfic Promotion Thread is here.

Comments ( 259 )
  • Viewing 240 - 259 of 259

If y'all don't mind, I could use some pre-reading on a story of mine! :twilightsheepish:

EOur Day in Disdain
Rainbow Dash is forced to confront the ghosts of her past and the life she left behind. Lest the one she built for herself crumbles in her hooves.
Rainb0w Dashie · 30k words  ·  43  7 · 1.4k views

A user named Holy has posted a Suicide Note. If anyone has any information as to her wearabouts, please go to Estee's page here and render aid.

Please your own blogs to relay this. We have to crisscross the site. Please also post this in as many groups as possible. Do not reply on this page, go to Estee's page (linked here once again) to make sure the information is conveyed as efficiently as possible.

Thank you for your assistance, please feel free to copy/paste this as much as possible.

*Hugs* Just want everyone to know that there are people on this site that do ❤ and care for others. Please reach out even if you feel lost in the dark sea. There is always a light house somewhere out on the shores.

You're not alone. Confidential help is available for free.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Provides help to those in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Call 1-800-273-8255
Available 24 hours everyday

I just made my very first fanfic and despite it only being around 1.5k words long, it took me around a year to make because of my lack of patience and just life in general. I want people to share there criticism and opinions on my story because it is my first and I KNOW its terrible but with help I can make it better.

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted March 12th

Woah, I see new additions! Is the ghost of Golden Oaks sorting through old submissions?

You're a funny guy; I like you. But humor will only distract from the sadness.

Just taking a trip through the memory lane.

Rest in peace.

Is this bait, or are you a child?

no i dont think so...:ajsleepy:
but thanks for helping out i wanted to see the full image of that book fortress with filly twilight inside it.....:twilightsmile:
its just so gosh darn cute!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

does anyone know where the small twilight image with her books fortress can be located at?:twilightsmile:
i wanna see the whole version of it it looks really cute!!!!!!:yay:

There are other groups that do the same job. In fact one was recommend when this place closed. Dunno if it's still active.

Is sad when places like this close but as they say, the show must go on.

I am writer number 25 or 26 of this site, way too many things have changed.

Still, just like Ponyburro (old joke) the library will have a place in the heart of those who it touched.

No self hating while I'm on patrol please.

If you don't respect yourself, how can you expect other ponies to respect you.
I hope you have a good day!
Sincerely Yours,

I have recently joined Twilight's Library. I think it's sad that the group has been closed down. I know that the group has become too big, but I thnk that problem could be solved by more people willing to help run the group.

I have been a member of FIM fic since February, and I really enjoy reading other ponies stories and reviewing them. I have experience, and if you do consider re-opening this group for stories, I would be over joyed to help out with this.

Sincerely Yours,

Don't jump to conclusions. Most of use don't even know the real you.
Love you Avatar By The Way ^_^

Why doesn't any one like me

  • Viewing 240 - 259 of 259