• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem


Here and back again · 10:07pm Dec 16th, 2020

Things are rough my darlings.

Its a cold, rainy morning. My favorite kind. No snow. No slush. I adore this. Even more so that I am under a heavy quilt.

I'll write more when I wake up I think...

Report RarityEQM · 2,532 views ·

Workin' It

One day....One day darlings...

1: Write a story with over 10 likes.
2: Write a story with over 100 likes.
3: Write a story with over 1000 likes.
4: Write more porn
5: Collab with Neon Lights on a story about Him and Mixtape
6: Write a popular story about Diamond Dancer with more than 10 likes
7: Write a popular story about Diamond Dancer with more than 100 likes
8: Write a story and edit it to perfection yourself.
10: Realize you actually might be a decent writer and actually start a book.
11: Realize you actually need more confidence to get that to happen.
12: Write something to get favorite authors to watch me (Or at least notice me) in hopes of a confidence booster
13: Learn valuable lesson within 30 minutes (22 with commercial breaks) about trusting myself, and not requiring the approval of others for confidence.
14: Write 10 stories
15: Write 100 stories
16: Clear my Queue of stories I've started and never finished.
17: Pay more attention to writing style. Less misplaced punctuation.
18: Make more friends.

Donations via paypal

The Latest From The Lady

Comments ( 238 )
  • Viewing 234 - 238 of 238

Sorry I missed your birthday


Happy 1k cuddy

Howdy. May not remember me but I had an old account in 2019 and followed you because you had beautiful stories. I'm here to show my thanks. I was new to the site and you explained everything I needed to know about, even though you didn't have to. May you rest in peace, wherever you are, and I hope those who loved you never forget how awesome you were.

Rest well.

  • Viewing 234 - 238 of 238
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