• Member Since 12th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2013



As you may have noticed... · 12:04pm Nov 1st, 2012

...I've not been on FIMFiction for a few months. Actually, I've not been online at all. I've been taking a break from my internet existence, although I didn't really make a conscious decision to do so. Things just seemed to work out that way. Maybe finishing Much Ahoof took it out of me?

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Report butterscotchsundae · 3,291 views ·

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Comments ( 85 )
  • Viewing 81 - 85 of 85

Sweet God bless. God loves you, now and forever.

Hey Butterscotch, I hope you'll see this one day even if you don't log back in.
Just wanted to say thanks for the stories that you wrote all that time ago. I hope your life is going well and you're doing okay!
It was great fun being part of this when I was a teen and although the fandom is long gone I still like to remember the fun it was.
You were a great part of it and I'm happy you decided to write all that you did.
Much Love!

Her last journal entry on her deviant-art (same name as here) said she was suffering from a lack of inspiration, but was happy taking care of her young daughter and was too busy to write because of that.

Comment posted by BlueMoonHarlot deleted Mar 31st, 2020

I hope you are doing well in life, wherever you are :)

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