• Member Since 11th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2022



100% deceased this time, for sure. · 12:33pm Oct 12th, 2019

Hello all of you who still read this stuff. As you might recall from last time (god that was long ago) I am sorta dead to the fandom as I haven't enjoyed the show for about five seasons now and writing has been a challenge to say the least. All that said, I have started writing again here and there, and the result is a new chapter which I hope all you fine folks will enjoy.

Not much else to say, only that I hope to bring you more in future.

Report Karrakaz · 1,065 views · Story: Under Her Wings ·
Comments ( 107 )
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We're still here. You have not been forgotten, and you are missed.

BIG BIGGIE GOD BLESS! God loves you, now and forever.

I really enjoyed reading 'Under Her Wings'! It's such a fantastic read and the characters are really well developed. Any idea when we're getting a new update?

Keep up the good work!

hope you find inspiration soon :twilightsmile:

Not anytime soon, I'm afraid. My interested have gone on a bit of a wonder of late and I'm just dabble writing here and there. Rest assured though, the next chapter of Under Her Wings is being worked on.

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Usual Suspects: If my stories are readable, it is probably due to these guys.