• Member Since 28th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2021


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Something Broke · 11:26pm Jun 17th, 2021

I got these new glasses. They're supposed to help me see better up close, and they do. I didn't realize how bad my up-close vision was until I got these. Plus, the frames look good. They're the cool transition lenses too, so they'll turn dark in the sunlight. I mean... this is what I needed. My vision should be better!
I can't read from a distance as easily anymore, which makes driving complicated.

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Report AlphaBrony · 75 views ·
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Dammit, get back here and finish Herding Behaviours of Ponies! >:(

Good morning! Thank you kindly for adding To Weep for Family to your favourites! Always great to know people are enjoying my work.

Oh, wow! And now, thank you for the Watch! I'll keep doing my best to deserve it!:twilightsmile:

I'm very glad that you thought enough of my exploration of what would happen to Spike in a situation like Immature to give it a Fave. It's knowing that people like you have found it engaging that makes it worthwhile.:pinkiesmile:

I'm also glad that you've enjoyed so many of my stories. I hope that some day you'll find the one that earns me your Watch!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving Just a Kiss

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