• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"


The God Squad Quickie: The Next Generation · 10:42am Oct 4th, 2021

"Package for you Sunny!" Hitch said, pushing in a large wooden crate.

"What the hay is it?" Sunny asked, tapping on the box.

"Not sure... there is a note though." Hitch opened it open. "Huh. It says, 'Congrats on being an Alicorn, he's your problem now, Signed Twi'. Who is Twi-"

Sunny, who had been working on opening the crate, blinked when it suddenly fell apart... revealing a sleeping capricorn well over twice her size. "Uh..."

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Report defender2222 · 745 views ·

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I was reading this cool Yugioh Self insert on FFN and imagine my surprise when I go to the authors bio and see he is also author of the God Squad! No wonder I liked his writing style, I had already loved it by a diffrent name on a different website! Love your stories and I’m glad I discovered you all over again.

Heh that he would be especially with their prowess and strength XD aka you look at them wrong they fuck you up XD


Approve? If he weren't married he'd be smitten

lol wanted to say I published a chapter with a fun little reference to Tidal referencing him basically the god of the sea and war XD right by the other god squad sadly he doesn't show up, well not yet but i thought you'd have a laugh. Plus I'm sure Tidal would approve of Amazons, and find them respectable warriors


Not soon but at some point

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The God Squad Quickie: The Next Generation · 10:42am Oct 4th, 2021

"Package for you Sunny!" Hitch said, pushing in a large wooden crate.

"What the hay is it?" Sunny asked, tapping on the box.

"Not sure... there is a note though." Hitch opened it open. "Huh. It says, 'Congrats on being an Alicorn, he's your problem now, Signed Twi'. Who is Twi-"

Sunny, who had been working on opening the crate, blinked when it suddenly fell apart... revealing a sleeping capricorn well over twice her size. "Uh..."

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Report defender2222 · 745 views ·

The God Squad Quickie: The Next Generation · 10:42am Oct 4th, 2021

"Package for you Sunny!" Hitch said, pushing in a large wooden crate.

"What the hay is it?" Sunny asked, tapping on the box.

"Not sure... there is a note though." Hitch opened it open. "Huh. It says, 'Congrats on being an Alicorn, he's your problem now, Signed Twi'. Who is Twi-"

Sunny, who had been working on opening the crate, blinked when it suddenly fell apart... revealing a sleeping capricorn well over twice her size. "Uh..."

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Report defender2222 · 745 views ·