• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen February 1st


aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"


Mr. Maple is a quiet syrup-making pony whose never done anything exciting in his life. In fact he's never gone 10 miles from his small family farm (though can it be called a family farm when he's single?) or the town of Quiet Meadows. And he has been satisfied with that... until now. The urge to see some of the wonderful sights in Equestria grows in his heart and Mr. Maple decides to take a vacation!

He'll ride on a train! See the sights! Buy souvenirs!

Topple criminal empires! Save beautiful damsels! Alter history itself!

...not that he'll realize he's doing any of that.

Its a comedy of misunderstandings and miscommunications that will see the most simple of ponies change the destiny of Equestria itself.

Chapters (2)

It is a tale well known to all: Twilight Sparkle, immortal alicorn, forced to face the world without her friends. Time having separated them, never to meet again, leaving only one Princess all alone, the last to remember those happy times. Alone in her castle, mourning all she has lost.

...too bad certain ponies have no sense of the dramatic and are too inconsiderate to actually be dead.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Abundance

Everyone has heard the legend of Hearth's Warming Eve. It is the tale of how the three pony tribes discovered a glorious uncharted land and managed to overcome their own mistrust to create a new country: Equestria. It is a story told for centuries, for thousands of years. Every pony, from the oldest pegasus to the youngest unicorn can recite it.

It... is a lie.

For before the ponies... there were others.

Now the sins of Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and Chancellor Puddinghead will be revealed. The time for harmony is over and the one who calls himself The Should-Have-Been King has come to reclaim Equestria for him and his kind. Only Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the abstract Faith, Captain Trixie, the princesses, and the resurrected sea king Lord Tydal can stop the genocide of the pony race. To do so they must uncover the lost history of Equestria... but doing so will unearth secrets that should never be told. Knowledge that should never be spoken. For there are some truths that should never be unearthed.

But those who fail to learn from history...

From defender2222, the author of 'The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo', 'Faith and Doubt', and 'The Abundance' comes the long awaited third volume of the Abstract Saga.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted

Season 3 of The God Squad!

Realizing that there are threats to the world that not even 6 mares who tend to have more tea parties than magical adventures can handle, Princess Celestia has created a task force of the most powerful and insane beings in Equestria to protect the world. Now, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining, Tydal, Chrysalis, Discord, and Sunset Shimmer will travel the global, the universe, and even time itself to right wrongs, deal with the corrupt, and probably break just as many things as they fix.

From the strange marriage practices of Saddle Arabia to drinking contests with the Yaks, from hunting rogue changelings to find the plans for Flim and Flam's new Death Star, the ponies of Equestria can... well, not rest easy but at least lie in their beds trembling... knowing THE GOD SQUAD is out saving the world.

We hope.

The spinoff from the much more popular 'The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo' and the fic that is TOTALLY not the reason the Faith and Doubt sequel keeps getting pushed back, THE GOD SQUAD: EQUESTRIA'S MIGHTIEST IMMORTALS continues the insane humor and outrageous adventures of everyone's favorite group of insane deities.

Chapters (6)

The author of "Faith and Doubt" and “The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo” recounts one of the most dramatic stories in Equestrian History- the night that changed the world forever and heralded the dawn of a new era.

On the cusp of the Summer Sun Celebration student Twilight Sparkle discovers an ancient myth in one of her family's precious tomes and a secret kept by her ancestors for centuries. Her brother, Shining Armor, worries about his sister while also preparing for what he believes to be a quiet holiday in Canterlot, all the while trying to keep the biggest news of his life hidden. Princess Cadence tries to find her place in the world, unsure she has what it takes to lead and if she will ever have the strength to protect her subjects. And Princess Celestia awaits the day a thousand years in the making, hoping for a reconciliation and fearing a war. But it is one mare that will cast the die: the Mare in the Moon. For the hour of Nightmare has come.

In the span of three days an unlikely friendship will be forged among six mares from wildly different backgrounds. A royal guard will find himself in a position he never expected, the eyes of a nation turning to him. An alicorn of love will have to guide a frightened country during its darkest hour. Equestria’s princess will face her greatest mistakes and failures. And Nightmare Moon will demand justice for the lies of a millennium ago.

Featuring some of Equestria's greatest citizens, 'The Dawn Will Come' pulls back the curtain and reveals the full story behind the return of Nightmare Moon, the redemption of Princess Luna, and the rise of the Elements of Harmony. Culled from lost records, rare interviews, and historical research, the tale of the Long Night becomes a historical thriller that will shock even those well versed in the events. See how even the smallest choice to the greatest of tragedies went to shape the heroes of Equestria and begin the country on its path to its Golden Age.

Featured 12/6/15

Chapters (6)

"When Rarity finds herself homeless for a week Applejack happily extends an invitation for her to stay at Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack plans to use the time to show Rarity why the Apple Family is so great but as the week goes on it is Applejack who finds herself become more and more the outsider"

This one-shot was written as a challenge to myself. The goal was the create a 'lost episode' that could take place within the series cannon and feel like an actual episode of the show.

This fic is unconnected to any of my previous works.

A big thanks to CrowMagnon for beta-reading this!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo

After everything that happened the last few months, Twilight has enjoyed some much deserved peace and quiet. But when Scootaloo disappears without a trace, the newest Equestrian Princess suddenly finds herself forced to lead the hunt for the missing filly. Aided only by Spike (and hindered by everyone else), Twilight must travel the globe and discover just where Scootaloo is.

Of course, that's easier said than done. Every pony seems to have an idea about what happened to Scootaloo and are ready to share their theories... whether Twilight and Spike want to hear them or not!

From the creator of 'The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo', 'The God Squad', and 'Crisis of Infinite Twilights', comes the sequel no one asked for or even thought would happen (including said author!)

My thanks to CrowMagnon for inspiring this story. The rest of you can blame him as well.

Chapters (3)

Every year Canterlot puts on a play on Hearth's Warming Eve to celebrate the season. And while the traditional Founders Play will still be done, this year Princess Twilight Sparkle, at the suggestion of Princess Celestia to 'liven things up', has decided to put on a second play: the musical Les Petits Poneys. A tale of redemption, loss, and love, Twilight just knows that it will be a hit. But things rarely go as planned. With Twilight changing up roles to make the play more species-friendly, many of the actors failing to memorize their lines, ad libbing that totally changes the story, perfomrers using the play to achieve their own personal goals and desires, and other plays somehow bumbling their way into the production, this show will be one to truly remember.

Starring Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Spike, Iron Will, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and with guest appearances from many of your favorite characters, Les Petits Poneys will be the comedic event of the season.

Author's Note: Thank you to all that helped get this story in the Featured Box!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Winds of Winter: A Hooves Family Adventure

What should have been a simply family vacation goes completely haywire when the TARDIS deposits the Doctor, his wife Derpy, and their daughter Dinky in the Crystal Empire thousands of years in the past. Going home isn't an option though, as their is a dark plot brewing in the heart of the Empire and it will be up to the Hooves to solve the mystery.

Who is trying to kill the beloved ruler of the Crystal Empire, the noble King Sombra?

This story is the official start of Series 1 of the Hooves Family Adventures.

Chapters (4)

When Dinky is cast as Clover the Clever in the school's Hearth's Warming Eve play, the filly is concerned she will not be able to do Clover justice. Luckily for Dinky her parents are the Doctor and Derpy, who quickly bundle their little girl up and take a trip via the TARDIS through time itself to see the first Hearth's Warming.

But when things don't go as planned the family realizes that there is more at stake than a mere play. If they don't find a way to set history right, it won't be just Hearth's Warming Day that disappears... it will be all of ponykind!

It all begins here folks as a brand new Hooves Family Adventure Series starts with this Christmasn/Hearth's Warming Special! Meet familiar characters as you've never seen them before and discover the answers to some of MLP's greatest mysteries. Grab your sonic screwdriver, get a handful of jelly babies, and plop on your fezes!


Chapters (4)