• Member Since 28th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2023


Guess who's back? It's me, the answer is me . . . hi.


Status report! · 7:45am Jun 19th, 2018

Howdy all! I thought I'd let everyone know I haven't vanished again, and LV isn't going to remain unfinished. I recently got a Ps4 and I've been addicted to it, but seriously I've just been kinda distracted by it. I'll be posting again soon, with at least three chapters coming out this week being my goal. Have a great night/day everyone and I'll see you when the next chapter comes out.

~Time to dash, Dash out~

Report The_Dash · 301 views · Story: Loyalty's Vengeance ·

My Stories.

Comments ( 95 )
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I wish I could do something to help.

Alright, all things considered. I've grown rather depressed because I haven't had the inspiration to write, despite having many ideas for stories, including LV. I nearly had an existential break down a few weeks ago and I'm still dealing with the lingering effects of that, on top of getting the news that my grandmother has stage three lung cancer. But, I've been making an active effort to try and keep moving forward and I'm trying to make things better one day at a time. It's hard, really hard, but I hope that through pure stubbornness and perseverance things will get better.

How are you doing?

1983719 Sounds like it's going to be interesting.
Can't wait for it.

1981697 It's currently at 1k words, gonna shoot for at least 3.5k. I plan on making it more of a story driven chapter, with a lot of interaction between Dash and Dark Dash.

  • Viewing 91 - 95 of 95
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