• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2014



That just happened. · 5:03am Jul 20th, 2012

So I get an idea for a story. I write it up, because why the hell not.

I like it, but I'm not sure how well it would be received. It's short. Too short. But I can't determine a way to flesh it out without making it meander. Despite this, I submit it anyway, because why the hell not.

It becomes, at least by my point of view, absurdly popular.

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If you use pictures, your story is more likely to be read. I expected it to be on top. But, oh well.

Hey, give a cover image to your new story so that people are more inclined to read it. Your story deserves more viewership!

Rytel, I just read Whit3 Nois3, and it moved me to tears. You made me feel the joy and pain of the charaters. You made something beautiful, and I hope very much that you write more.


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