• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 8th, 2013



Contradiction is best diction · 8:10am Nov 12th, 2012

Guess what? I'm back. I was coaxed into watching the new season premier and I can honestly say I've missed the fandom a lot. So as of now I'll be back and working on whatever fic I can due to a lack of schoolwork and assignments.

Yay me for me contradicting myself yet again

Report TheGreyStallion · 394 views ·

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Comments ( 6 )
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68598 You are most welcome brother :ajsmug:

That is one badass profile pic.
Thanks for the watch, broski!

68004 As do others before you my friend:ajsmug:

I approve of your profile picture.

49453 haha thanks man, and anytime :moustache: sorry about the blankness of the page, trying to get a few stories written, but between school and homework and stuff Im having little time left to write :ajsleepy:

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