• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 31st, 2015

Chocolate Milk

Writer, reader.

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Dipping a Toe or Two · 5:41am Apr 2nd, 2013

It's been too long.

266 days, to be precise. But who's counting?

I've been staring at this blank blog post for a good long while now, and simultaneously feeling pretty silly about that fact, since I don't expect too many people to read it. I'm having somewhat more of a response to stepping back into this space than I thought I would.

So, in an attempt to rein in as much of the excess self-indulgence in this blog post as is possible, I'll try to keep it brief.

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Hey Chocolate Milk, are we going to be seeing more from Equestrian Spring? Just an update on if/when we can expect the next chapter would be nice.

What the hell are you doing here? Get back on /fic/! I need proofreading, dammit! :flutterrage:

(No, seriously, come by the IRC some time. We miss you :twilightsmile:)

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