• Member Since 13th Oct, 2011
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My Element is Honesty. My Sin is Envy.


Introducing d.Red · 2:28am Jul 15th, 2017

Who here likes Pokémon? You there, perhaps? What if I were to tell you that there were a Pokémon game written... by me?

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Report Nonagon · 743 views ·
Comments ( 72 )
  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72

Have an upvote for that very funny but very laggy abridged series

So, uh, your script thing? It was pretty dank. Don't think fimfic lets scripts, but you should definitely put it somewhere.

Are you interested in doing a collaboration?

To be honest about my story, True Friendship, and to your replied to it, it actually the first story I've ever written and well, my grammar suck all the way to Jupiter, if you know what I mean. I first written this story last year while I'm in 8th grade and it still suck now. :ajbemused:

  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72
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