• Member Since 24th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2022



Does Fluttershy hold great willpower? · 5:44pm Apr 29th, 2014

There is another story that I'm writing while I work on Inverted Harmony. It is a Green Lantern crossover. I know there's enough of them floating around, but this would be my take on Fluttershy in the iconic role. She is the last pony one would expect to play a fearless space cop, but I think I can make it work with this story. It's not a comedy and it would not be as silly as I've made IH, although there will be plenty of humor here and there. I still believe it will be great.

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Comments ( 12 )
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889138 I got the story back, looked at my plan, and said, "Screw it!" It's posted! :yay:

889138 Just finished and sent to my proofreader. :pinkiehappy:

He's busy this week, so it won't be coming out any earlier. But even if he's late, I'll still post what I've got at that time. :twilightsmile:

888807 5 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes. I have one scene left, so it'll be done in time. :raritywink:

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