Does Fluttershy hold great willpower? · 5:44pm Apr 29th, 2014
There is another story that I'm writing while I work on Inverted Harmony. It is a Green Lantern crossover. I know there's enough of them floating around, but this would be my take on Fluttershy in the iconic role. She is the last pony one would expect to play a fearless space cop, but I think I can make it work with this story. It's not a comedy and it would not be as silly as I've made IH, although there will be plenty of humor here and there. I still believe it will be great.
889138 I got the story back, looked at my plan, and said, "Screw it!" It's posted!
889138 Just finished and sent to my proofreader.
He's busy this week, so it won't be coming out any earlier. But even if he's late, I'll still post what I've got at that time.
888807 5 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes. I have one scene left, so it'll be done in time.