• Member Since 31st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 13th

Elusive Phoenix

If a tire was on fire during a blizzard, would you stay close to it and keep warm, or run from the awful smell?

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TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY! · 9:30pm Aug 9th, 2017

Just saying "hi" because I can.
Don't know if anyone cares.
I still plan on finish Hourglass someday.
I promise that I'll do it before I die.
Hopefully that's not soon, because I'm too lazy to write it right now.

Report Elusive Phoenix · 411 views ·
Comments ( 367 )
  • Viewing 363 - 367 of 367

I'm looking forward to it. Good luck!

2436306 Thenk you, birb fremd.
I haven't written on this site for at least a year, and even then it was editing stories from years before. I liked the stories behind Moon and Insurgence and I want to expand upon them. Hopefully I can make them fun little side-projects. :twilightsmile:

Nice to meet you. I just wanted to let you know that i think your stories are eggcellent!

  • Viewing 363 - 367 of 367
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Thank you, AppleTank.