• Member Since 15th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 11th


I am known by many names: Griffly, Haggis, The Vulcan, That Socially Awkward Yet Extroverted Otaku Guy, but you... You may call me... Gicwig.

Those things that I need to finish

My Fimfiction Achievements

What Is This Place, Filled With So Many Wonders?
Make an account on FIMFiction

Does This Show Up In My Browsing History?
Read first story with both the "sex" and "gore" tags.

Join the Herd
Join a group.

I Read It for the Plot
Read a story with the "Sex" tag.

Curious Cat
Turned on viewing mature stories

I Can't Make Up My Mind
Change the Banner more than once in a day

She Keeps Me Company
Turn on the desktop pony

The Worst! Possible! Thing!
First 502 error

Read a story with the "Gore" tag

The Same, Yet Different
Write an alternate universe story.

Casual Affair
Be on the site for 1 week without any extended absences.

A Good Time
Be on the site for 1 month without any extended absences.

I Think I’ll Fit In Here
Be on the site for 2 months without any extended absences.

Good Times With Horsewords
Be on the site for 4 months without any extended absences

The New Year
Be on the site for 6 months without any extended absences.

Be on the site for 8 months without any extended absences.

A Part Of The Coding
Be on the site for 1 year without any extended absences.

No Name Yet
Get 5 Achievements

No Name Yet
Get 10 Achievements.

No Name Yet
Get over 20 Achievements.

The Things I Have Seen
Read a story from each genre

By Our Powers Combine
Write a story using all main 6 as mane characters

Lavender Unicorn Syndrome
Write a story using Twilight Sparkle as a main character.

The Ban Hammer
You have never been banned from Fimfiction!



So I'm not dead · 8:44pm Jan 24th, 2018

As the title suggests, I'm not dead. I fell out of the fandom a while back and stopped watching the show, but recently I've become re-interested in the show and fandom. I'm gonna start checking back here more often and doing blog post again. Probably gonna start reading again but not nearly to the same extent as I was. Also, as much as I would love to say I'm going to update my stories they are all basically dead. The only one that has a decent chance of updating is "The Epics of Harmonious

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Report gcwg57 · 449 views ·

Favorite Comedies

They wouldn't let me add another favorites block, so I'm improvising.

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06

The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews
by Daily Show Ponies
Fifty things that Ponyville citizens are not allowed to do.
by Ssendam the Masked

Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website
by RainbowBob

Daring DONE!
by Aragon

Comments ( 151 )
  • Viewing 147 - 151 of 151

It pleases me that you intend to read Princess of Friendship. :twilightsmile:

thanks for the watch. i watched you because i like your story

1927676 You're welcome Titty-Kun.


  • Viewing 147 - 151 of 151
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