Hi there! You just entered the Mysterious Stranger zone. I write stories. Some of them are amazing, and some of them are total garbage. I never delete the bad ones though, because they're a testament to how I got to where I am today. If I can go from writing crap to writing Equestria Daily features, then so can you! I'm not very fast at publishing new chapters or stories, but I always finish what I start. Feel free to ask me stuff! I may look very dark and scary, but I'm actually quite friendly.
Equestria Daily Featured Stories
Ransom for a Pretty Pink Princess Two outlaws get more than they bargained for when they kidnap a young Pinkie Pie for ransom. 3,482 words · 345 · 4
Magicles When Twilight discovers particles that are linked to magic, she creates a new field in forensic science and begins a crime-solving spree across Equestria. However, one criminal in particular will put her science through the ultimate test. 24,896 words · 87 · 3
Funny stories
The Easy Way Out A human turned pony asks Twilight Sparkle to send him back home. Luckily, Twilight is perfectly capable of doing so. But is it really a good idea? 1,169 words · 574 · 13
Dr. McNinja goes on an Equestrian Adventure Dr. McNinja journeys through time and space to get a motorcycle but instead gets an equestrian adventure. 41,940 words · 250 · 10
The Path of Hugging After being commanded by Dragon Lord Spike to hug every dragon he encounters on his journey back home, Garble discovers a new purpose for his existence. 1,282 words · 56 · 2
Where's the extra 11% come from?
You're welcome for both!
Thanks for the watch!
Thanks for the fave on One Heck of a Case!
My apologies, sir. I wasn't aware that my resurrection was illegitimate. In my defense, the guy's license looked totally legit.