• Member Since 21st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen April 29th


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An Obituary for a Story. · 1:13am Dec 19th, 2015

Hi, folks. I’ll keep this brief if I can. It’s basically an apology. I wanted to give you a story this Christmas, but unfortunately that’s not going to happen.

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Somehow was not following you despite enjoying several of your stories. Thanks for writing!

Thank you for your stories, and for telling them the way that you do. You're a great writer, and when I read your stuff I feel... really heartened. I love the universe you've built and the characters you've brought to light. Thanks Author, truly <3

Thank you for writing what you do. Truly. So many of your stories have been genuinely impactful in my life, especially on hard days. God bless you.


Just read Friend of a Friend and I absolutely loved it! Thanks for the awesome story and thanks for being you!

Have a great day! :twilightsmile:

A long time ago, I read one of your stories: A Friend of a Friend. I had, at the time, been going through a Spike-fic phase, where I needed to see the little drake overcome his hardships and emerge as a stronger individual. Your story I read expecting little--and out of it I got so much.

I didn't (sadly) pay enough attention to who had written it, but long story short, I favorited and liked that story almost immediately.

And now, months later, I have rediscovered your profile through a comment made in a group. It feels like I've stumbled upon an old book I had forgotten about, whose entire first half I had not yet read, but whose forward I clearly and vividly remember.

You are exactly what I want to be: an incredible, humble, and noteworthy storyteller. You have such an amazing gift with the art of writing that just writing to you about it makes me gush with excitement and joy. Truly, you are among my literary heroes, regardless of the fact that I know you primarily through fanfiction.

One day, I hope to write to the level that is even just a smidgen of the quality of your work.

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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