• Member Since 5th May, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Jarvy Jared

A writer and musician trying to be decent at both things. Here, you'll find some of my attempts at storytelling!


New Story on the Horizon · 9:49pm June 26th

There are things older than princesses, than castles, than names, and than time. Some of them live in remote corners of the world, shuttered away in an inaccessible crevasse. Some take refuge below the sea, in cities older than minds can comprehend. Some sift among the stars and dance maddeningly against the backdrop of the crawling chaos.

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Comments ( 129 )
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Thank you, Sarge! I appreciate the support. :raritywink:

Congrats on placing in the contest! Super happy to see something I inspired get some rightful recognition. I hope you continue to write!

I am reminded of Lewis the... Whatever’s finance minister, D’Something. He built this magnificent chateau. Nicole and I saw it when we went to Paris? It even outshone Versales, where the king lived.

In the end...

Lewis clapped him in irons.

The world is empowered and made richer by the beauty of the small coincidences which govern the sweetness of its rivers and the delight of its inhabitants. :raritywink:

I just noticed a hilarious coincidence; I joined the Discord for EoJ during Jyc's last stream, where I first bumped into you, and I'd seen the coverart for Cammie on the side, but never thought much of it. But Tigress is an old friend of mine from a few years ago! I even have her coverart for a good hand-full of my fics. Small world!

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