Favorite Stories
When the Man Comes Around As Ponyville prepares for arriving royal marshals, a new traveler quietly slips into town. 22,211 words · 1,658 · 53
Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale In the decaying metropolis of Detrot, 60 years and one war after Luna's return, Detective Hard Boiled and friends must solve the mystery behind a unicorn's death in a film noir-inspired tale of ponies, hard cider, conspiracy, and murder. 1,460,507 words · 1,278 · 48
Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World The Crusaders learn that they aren't like other ponies. As they uncover the secrets of their origins, the trio grow closer than ever, discovering not only their unique nature, but the incredible power that comes with it as well. 69,046 words · 1,235 · 16
Hinterlands A necromancer with a price on her head. A ragtag team of bounty hunters. The glacial wilderness of the Frozen North. The chase is on. 75,435 words · 374 · 6
Short Stories
On a Riverboat to the Sea Twilight Velvet and Night Light attend a riverboat cruise to the sea. 14,214 words · 47 · 2
Maud Slam Maud Pie enters a poetry slam competition, but her confidence in her writing is shaken by the arrival of an old acquaintance. 8,221 words · 51 · 1
The Parable of the Toymaker Argyle came to us by sea. He brought us his notes, a smile, and an impossible dream. 20,538 words · 78 · 2
The Milliner on March Street During a routine, menial day, the milliner on March Street is met with a strange, illuminating arrival. 3,381 words · 32 · 1
Short Stories 2
The Trail of Your Failures Will Lead You to Memory In the city of Cóltoba, Stormy Flare, thinking on her failures, is met with a chance encounter. 4,775 words · 36 · 1
This Is Not A Story To Pass On Under the Diarchy, stories do not linger long enough to be remembered. 2,910 words · 44 · 1
Silver Whistles Silver Zoom expects a lonely and miserable night at the Gala, but that all changes when he encounters a certain blue pegasus mare. 9,192 words · 20 · 3
Ruby Noodle Soup For The Soul When Spike catches a terrible cold, Pinkie offers him a treatment plan in the form of a special kind of soup. 3,169 words · 24 · 0
Noooo you're cool
You are sooooo coool!
Thank you, Sarge! I appreciate the support.
Congrats on placing in the contest! Super happy to see something I inspired get some rightful recognition. I hope you continue to write!
I am reminded of Lewis the... Whatever’s finance minister, D’Something. He built this magnificent chateau. Nicole and I saw it when we went to Paris? It even outshone Versales, where the king lived.
In the end...
Lewis clapped him in irons.