• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday



A print run of Starlight Over Detrot? · 8:37am Aug 12th, 2021

So, the Ministry Of Image printing house has a new survey up! Can you guess who is on it?


I am absurdly excited. I doubt we'll get printed, but it would be amazing if we did! I would love to hold a copy of Starlight Over Detrot in my hands one day.

It would help if you could toss a vote on this for Starlight!


Current Release Schedule

9/20/2013: Starlight Over Detrot, Act 2, Ch9
10/04/2013: Starlight Over Detrot, Act 2, Ch10
10/18/2013: Starlight Over Detrot, Act 2, Ch11

Releases tend to go out every two weeks on Friday, by the evenings.

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Comments ( 109 )
  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109

chessie balling status?

Sadly, I wasn't. The practicalities of it were just a little too much. It's twice the length of the bible and that's a lot.

- Chesie

I was cleaning up my folders and came across the Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale in my favorites again. Swung by here to see if there was anything new and saw the blog for a possible printing. Without knowing it was 2 years old, I clicked on it and added my support lol.

Were you able to get it printed? Or do you still want to have it printed?
I know I wouldn't mind a copy myself if it ever became available.

ok im going insane
were you the one who invented Birdism
because if so im totally pocketing that for future use.

Yes, from Hardy's brief time in the Navy.

  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109
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