• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
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A print run of Starlight Over Detrot? · 8:37am Aug 12th, 2021

So, the Ministry Of Image printing house has a new survey up! Can you guess who is on it?


I am absurdly excited. I doubt we'll get printed, but it would be amazing if we did! I would love to hold a copy of Starlight Over Detrot in my hands one day.

It would help if you could toss a vote on this for Starlight!


Report Chessie · 564 views ·

So, what's next? · 5:16am Apr 29th, 2021

Starlight Over Detrot is done and now I'm intent on writing something else. I've got the outline for a romance novel. A non-pony romance novel, mind. That being said, I wanna write a few more pony things while I do that. I've got a heap of ideas for an 'Epilogue Part Four' for Starlight which happens a few years after the events of Epilogue Part Three and just sorta ties everything off.

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I'M NOT DEAD! · 3:42am Feb 25th, 2021

Okay, so the final main-story chapter of Starlight Over Detrot is *now* in the editorial pipe-line. It's headed to the people who do the good stuff.

The editors, being the geniuses they are, will likely have it finished VERY soon and I'll pump it out to everybody. Is this the end of Starlight Over Detrot?

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ONE MORE CHAPTER! · 1:10pm Dec 28th, 2020

Dear lord, shoot me in the face.

All the years I've been writing this and I say to myself "Yeah, gonna finish it tonight!" then the characters get to talking. Talking. Just back and forth. GRAH!

Anyway, I want ya'll to know I am not dead. I've sent the latest chapter to our dear friends, the editors, who've stayed with me through this hideously long hall. The last couple months have obviously been the months from Hell for...everyone.

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Adorable pic from Cinder Script! · 10:37pm Dec 4th, 2020

Hardy finally gets that drink he deserves!

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Tips to tailstalker@hotmail.com on Paypal.com

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Translations for CALEAHP and Equestria Opposition Party · 9:18pm Oct 8th, 2020

A truly excellent person by the name of Spaniard-Kiwi has managed to translate both stories for us. I don't speak Spanish, but if anyone does and would like to send them feed-back, the links to the translations are in the descriptions of those stories.

As to Starlight...yes, I am still working on it. I've got around 5k written. Not as much as I hoped for, but more than I think I expected considering the events of the last month.


Report Chessie · 303 views ·

Rough days · 10:30pm Sep 27th, 2020

My dad died today. It was quick and in his sleep. He died surrounded by people who loved him and with friends. I got to talk to him three days ago, but he fell asleep and never regained consciousness.

I don't think he believed he would die with friends.

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Report Chessie · 637 views ·

The ending. · 1:23am Sep 20th, 2020

What a stupid month.

My dad had a pulmonary embolism yesterday. He'll be dead this week, odds on. I can't go down to see him right now because Covid-19 is hugely spiking in my state and getting on an airplane is asking to give it to him, my 60 year old half-sister who is taking care of him, and my 70 year old mother.

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Report Chessie · 744 views ·

My god, are we really THERE?! · 8:44am Sep 4th, 2020


Starlight Over Detrot will be finishing ever so soon. I just sent another chapter off to the editors. The one I am now working on is...maybe the last. I sincerely hope it's the last. If it's not, I won't be surprised, but I'm trying to keep the faffing about to a minimum...which, speaking as the farking queen of faffing about is a bit of a task.

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Fresh Art from AshleyArcticFox · 3:39am Aug 4th, 2020

The awesome artist AshleyArcticFox created a brand new piece of art for Starlight. This is her fantastic rendition of Juniper Shores.

Here is a link to her Deviant Art. https://www.deviantart.com/ashley-arctic-fox


Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/t8M3YCt
Tips to tailstalker@hotmail.com on Paypal

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