Not checking in here. I may post stories because my patrons are nice and like ponies. Otherwise out of the fandom, sorry peeps.
Note here, not much to say other than I love to write. My dyslexia is a huge obstacle when it comes to that, but I still enjoy sharing my stories, especially about King Sombra, my favorite villain!
Just a hobbyist writer with aspirations of making a career in it.
I'm Windsilver and my grey companion is Wolfe. Dabblers in the trade of writing, we hope that you enjoy the work that we put forth. So grab your tea, blanket, some nice music, and enjoy the ride.
I am a conglomerate of Engineeriological and Writeological forces with a Ponypreneurial spirit.
This is my contribution to all the witty and unique descriptions that everyone aside from me seemingly has on this damned site. You're welcome.
Other than a Cybertronian writing utensil, I am an avid brony that is partial to writing novice-level stories whenever an idea pops into my head, whether I like it, or not. It's mostly the latter.
Everytime you hit the like button on a story, Lumina smiles.
"Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be."– Clementine Paddleford
I swear every time I blink this site has fifteen new features. Six months isn't /that/ long a time to blink, is it?
Caffeine's not even a drug and I still have a problem.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Also known as "TtheWriter" on youtube, if you're into Dungeons and Dragons stuff. :3
"Internet Friends" are just friends you haven't shaken hands with yet.
"In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.
Give me an eternity, I'll give you an update!
reconstructing the deconstruction
This account is no longer in use. I'm leaving it up so people can read my stuff. If you need to contact me, send an email to
Longtime fic author for other series, father of two, and I enjoy MLP:FiM with my whole family.
Applejack will always love you 'cos that's jes' how she is, sugarcube <3