So, I'd like an OC Pony · 11:57pm Dec 15th, 2017
Hello All,
Also known as "TtheWriter" on youtube, if you're into Dungeons and Dragons stuff. :3
Hello All,
I thought I'd try my hoof at something "Human in Equestria". Have a look for me, guys?
Never tried it before and it's always been a shaky genre for me.
So I went to my local comic shop to pick up My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #36 (Siege of the Crystal Empire Part 2) last night. This morning while doing laundry and other house chores, I read it and stumbled across THIS:
Sombra was female as a child. It's canon. Is this why he's so angry all the time?!
Hey Everypony, here's a new story, thought I'd try some horror since it's the Halloween season and such. Sorry I haven't been writing much lately. I was in the hospital for some heart stuff. :( But I'm better now! So I should be writing a bit more now. Have at it!
New Story: A Shadow Came Unto Me
Hospital Details: Link to Youtube
(Spoilers Below, you've been warned!)
Well holy crap, it's done!
It took like... what... 2.5 years? I hope you guys enjoyed it very much. I know I laid off of pony writing for a long time to recharge my batteries, and those that were following this story certainly got abused in how long it actually took to get the entire thing written.
Now I know there are probably questions, given how the story turned out in all eventuality. So I'll try to address those here:
Do any of you guys know any quality animators or animating studios for hire? I've been trying very hard, but the internet is quite large and search engines don't seem to help very much for the serious quality that I want. I'm talking "Batmetal Returns" sort of quality, on the scale of perhaps 30 seconds or so. (Yes I know that's expensive, but the quality is worth it) It's not necessarily for a pony project, but I thought I would ask the community since there are so many cartoonists, artists
I popped the question today! :D
She said yes!
I am engaged! :D
A: Do you like Princess Luna?
C: Princess Luna is not a villain.
A: No she isn't.
C: Isn't what?
A: Princess Luna isn't a villian.
C: Princess Luna was a villian - Nightmare Moon.
A: Yes.
C: Twilight Sparkle is best princess.
A: Why?
C: She is the Princess of Friendship.
A: Do you like Princess Celestia?
C: Yes, Princess Celestia is my second favorite Princess.
A: What do you like about Princess Celestia?
C: I love her!
A: You love Princess Celestia?!