• Member Since 11th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Bad Horse

Beneath the microscope, you contain galaxies.


New fic rec: Rainbow Dash Reads the Manual · 7:49pm July 17th

I haven't read many of the recent spate of 1000-word fics, but I quite liked Bandy's "Rainbow Dash Reads the Manual".

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Report Bad Horse · 138 views · #story #review

Writing: Jorge Luis Borges on character and speech · 12:15am July 2nd

En mi corta experiencia de narrador he comprobado que saber cómo habla un personaje es saber quién es, que descubrir una entonación, una voz, una sintaxis peculiar, es haber descubierto un destino.


In my brief experience as a storyteller, I have found that knowing how a character speaks is knowing who he is; that to discover an intonation, a voice, a peculiar syntax, is to discover a destiny.

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Report Bad Horse · 214 views · #writing #quotes #Borges

Review: The Boy and the Heron, by Miyazaki · 4:05am July 1st

I don't really want to write this review. I'm a Miyazaki fanboy. I've seen every movie he directed except for his 2 "Conan the Future Boy" movies. Now, lots of people like Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, or Princess Mononoke. Literary types rave about The Wind Rises. But a real Miyazaki fan likes even those movies where Miyazaki as writer just kind of forgets that he's writing a movie, and gets sucked into the everyday lives of characters. Like how

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Report Bad Horse · 305 views · #review #anime #Japan

Scott Alexander accidentally writing about the function of writing prompts · 2:42am June 21st

From today's Astral Codex Ten:

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Report Bad Horse · 234 views · #writing

Fimfiction has more pageviews than all online speculative fiction magazines combined · 1:09am June 20th

I'm using the Submission Grinder to decide where to submit some fantasy stories. The Submission Grinder list pretty much all of the known active speculative fiction markets, and lets you filter them based on conditions like whether they're recognized by SFWA as a pro market, or what genres they list in their guidelines.

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Report Bad Horse · 262 views · #writing #market #fandom

Cons and Hugos · 3:50am June 17th


I plan to go to NASFiC, the North American Science Fiction Convention, 18-21 July 2024, in Buffalo NY, and am scheduled to give a talk on Thursday evening. Let me know ahead of time if you're going and want to meet up, 'coz I'm not sure what my badge name will be.

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Report Bad Horse · 277 views · #conventions #Hugos

The Decline and Fall of Facts · 4:05pm June 2nd

This morning I got an email from audible.com advertising their monthly sale. As I do each month, I read thru the list of non-fiction books for sale.

As I went thru the 156 non-fiction books on sale this month, I felt a growing sense of unease. It wasn't until I reached the last one, Napoleon Hill's Think And Grow Rich, that this unease congealed into a thought: this is not really non-fiction.

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Report Bad Horse · 419 views · #life #culture #sad

How Good Fiction is Truer than Non-Fiction · 10:00pm May 25th

Drunkposting courtesy of Evan Williams' Honey Kentucky Bourbon.

The vastness of the subject could only be compressed into a lie.
– F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night

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Paul Asaran gave me (almost) an entire issue of his review! · 3:05am May 19th

Late Thursday evening I checked my fimfic notifications. There were... a lot of them. And the first 9 were comments on my stories, all by PaulAsaran, all saying "You can has review!" He spent 9 of his 10 story slots this week on me.

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Report Bad Horse · 246 views · #Bad Horse #review

Experimental Fiction, part 1: A list of experimental pony stories · 8:39pm March 16th

Regidar recently posted a request for links to experimental fics. I decided to just add a bookshelf, Experimental, and list my favorite and my own experimental stories there. (My stories will probably appear first, because I added them last.

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Report Bad Horse · 484 views · #experimental #fiction