
Viewing 1 - 20 of 327 results

A Treatise on Friendship by Cicero · 1:44am Apr 27th, 2018

When you struggle to come up with new ideas, it can help to go back to the beginning. And here is one of the best philosophical treatises on friendship by Cicero, one of the greatest statesmen and orators of all time. Within these pages are truths universal to all beings that feel friendship, and may aid your own story writing or just living in life day to day.

Indeed, to quote Cicero himself:

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Immortality for and adventurer (Philosophy) · 11:02pm Mar 21st, 2018

Good afternoon! Welcome back to Skywards Swords bar and in!
I hope you all are having a fantastic day today in Equestria.... Or it's wasteland. Tonight on the menu is a little something personal I created late one night, admittedly in a bout of intense insomnia. So consider this an experimental brew of inspiration. It didn't help I was getting that adventuring itch with no means to quench it. In any case, hope you enjoy.

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Report SkywardSword · 201 views · #Philosophy

Thoughts about Philosophy · 11:12pm Jan 30th, 2022

Thanks to everyone who has read: This Is How a Unicorn Talks. It was nice to see one of my stories in the feature box again, and great to read all your comments and questions.

I’ve written plenty of posts about particle physics, but given the short description that I wrote for that story, I thought this week I should try to write something about philosophy, with apologies to any philosophers out there.

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Report Pineta · 373 views · #philosophy

On the state of my soul · 1:53pm Oct 21st, 2017

A few weeks ago, I was idly scrolling through my usual feed of news, chatter and nonsense, and saw a headline:

Neo-nazi mauled by lion

I didn't read the article - I had no desire to know more details. But what arrested me was my reaction to seeing this headline: for a brief moment, I laughed. It was over in less than a second as the horrible reality of what the headline was saying reasserted itself, but that reaction has been bugging me ever since.

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Report Shrink Laureate · 449 views · #philosophy

Heat death · 5:06am Feb 3rd, 2017

Scientists still don't know for sure where our universe is going. And, unless magic results from currently undiscovered forces, Equestria's universe clearly differs from our own. But the current prevailing theory for the end of our universe is heat death: energy equally distributed everywhere. Absolute order. Maximum entropy. The universe will end cold, lifeless, and eternally inert.

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Report Lazy Gray · 322 views · #philosophy

Are you a human or a pony? · 10:29pm Sep 30th, 2015

I was asked this today, are you a human or a pony? I think they were fishing for a therianthropic/furry reply.

I let my fingers move on their own, as I do when I write.

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Report David Silver · 345 views · #philosophy

A theory to infinity. (Philosophy) (Theory) · 1:19am Jun 13th, 2018

From how infinity was described to me as a child, I was told it was like an endless line of string that neither had a beginning nor an end. Although there are two obvious issues with that description, the first being that it never started, and the second assuming that the action we perceive as infinite has enough momentum or energy to sustain itself indefinitely.

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Report SkywardSword · 303 views · #Philosophy #Theory

Essay on education from "Reclaiming the Sane Society" (2014) · 1:21pm May 26th, 2019

ISBN 978-94-6209-605-9 (paperback)
ISBN 978-94-6209-606-6 (hardback)
ISBN 978-94-6209-607-3 (e-book)

You can buy it from 40 euro at Springer. Or you you can use

[...] schools are not producing pins, they are producing people. Therefore, what is
efficient for creating more pins in a factory may very well be inefficient for
developing educated citizens in a school. Fromm explains this phenomenon in

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Report Andrew-R · 312 views · #education #philosophy

Welcome to Life® · 6:51pm May 10th, 2016


some comments:

Lev Protter:

The fine print contains one subtle sentence: once you accept you are unable to terminate your life session.


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Human nature and other bullshit · 3:51am Jun 6th, 2014

When writers talk about what good stories should do, they almost inevitably conclude something like, "Good stories say something about what it means to be human."

The words vary little. Stories should "tells us what it means to be human," or "describe the human condition." Stories "are, in the end, always about humans."


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Report Bad Horse · 2,303 views · #writing #philosophy

Some musings on life · 11:33am Oct 5th, 2015

Life truly is miraculous.
Even if you set aside the idea of a God(which is an idea I subscribe to, but not everyone does so whatevs), our bodies are comprised of around seven billion billion billion atoms, all of which collectively generate the illusion of solidity. The idea that the grouping of these lifeless pieces of matter produces consciousness, produces awareness, that's amazing.

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Report peacevic · 191 views · #Life #Philosophy

The Philosophy of Starfall Twinkle · 7:32pm Dec 9th, 2021

Starfall Twinkle represents everything evil and vicious inside me. She is nihilistic, fatalistic, and nothing really matters to her. In her conversation with Rarity, what the fashionista doesn't realize yet is that she essentially has to defeat nihilism in this instance. Nietzsche and other existentialists understood that in order to do that, you had to find meaning to your own existence. When he declared, "God is dead!", what he really meant was that at that stage of human evolution, people no

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Report Betty_Starlight · 142 views · #Philosophy #OC

Essays Are Magic VI: Explaining "The Gift of Maud Pie" · 3:50pm Apr 7th, 2016

What really transpired in the latest episode of our beloved show, “The Gift of Maud Pie”? What was it really about? Really?

To put the answer shortly, a careful reading of the episode, especially of the logic of the gift it puts forward, offers some intriguing perspectives into pony psychology, which, as must be obvious, is nothing short of anthropomorphic – thus of utmost relevance to ourselves.

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Report stanku · 530 views · #gift #philosophy

Monthly Musing · 3:32pm Oct 1st, 2017

Thought without action is listless. Action without thought is chaotic. Thoughtful action is visionary.

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Inspired by Stanku: Cruelty in Fiction and why it upsets Readers so much · 2:36pm Oct 19th, 2018

This is a response to Stanku's blog post in which he comments on his experiences after posting fiction which included sexual violence with pornographic intent. Stanku argued that talking of such a thing as cruelty in fiction does not make sense, since the entity subjected to these cruel acts is not a real one. The response got a bit long, and i

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Report 00_02 · 272 views · #Philosophy #Writing

The Keys of Harmony · 8:40pm May 22nd, 2016

In the season four finale, six objects became keys to the seed-chest of the Tree of Harmony, which yielded the Rainbow of Light and defeated Lord Tirek. He had gained his powers by stealing the inherent magics of the ponies of Equestria, which included their Cutie Marks.

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I'm a burly dude with a spoon... · 9:58am Nov 14th, 2015

and I just got hit with a shovel. This is more for me than for anyone else, just to remind me about a thought I had.

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This is a blog. · 12:27am Aug 7th, 2015

Hello, this is my first blog post! So I'm working on a story called The One Who Would Do Anything For Love. It features our favourite shapeshifting parasites and is pre episode 100. So what is Queen Chrysalis planning? Who will save the day? Does my bum look big in this? And should I grow a beard? You'll find out in an indefinite amount of time. Sorry, but no definite dates. Just expect this before the 20th of this month.


Just horsejoke · 12:18am Jul 1st, 2020

AS found by "Dangerous minds" facebook group. You might also want to check WTF Art Lab

Awfully re-compressed jpeg (jpeg is loosy compression scheme, but smaller, .png and some versions of webP and heif are lossless and smaller, but not everyone can create/see them)

Report Andrew-R · 150 views · #philosophy #joke #facebook

Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Representation · 11:30pm Nov 30th, 2018

We've all heard the rumors that FIM is going to be cancelled, and replaced with a G5 reboot. We all have our own pet theories - hopes, and dreads, and wishlists of what is to become of the franchise.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 327 results