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Cannot Sleep, Must Write... · 5:09am Jun 19th, 2016

I have not written anything in 48 hours and it is starting to affect me psychologically.

Many of you don't know this, but I performed a test last week. I finished one job last month and am transitioning to another hopefully very soon, but in the meantime I have all this free time, so i decided to write. For seven days straight

I wrote approximately 43,000 words
over 9 stories

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Peeling back the curtain - How the writer writes · 1:03am Nov 15th, 2016

At the risk of of perhaps revealing too much, I've decided to pull back the curtain and show how my work progresses into what it is. It starts simple, I approach it almost as a screenplay, and then, after a few rewrites, it gets constructed into something greater. This is the secret to how I write.

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Interesting Article · 9:48pm Mar 14th, 2016

Hi Everypony,

Just found this cool little article, stumbled onto it on Facebook. Made for interesting and informative reading, so I thought i'd share it with any and all other aspiring writers out there.


Click Here


Writing · 4:35pm Jan 30th, 2017

Report Scootaloo96 · 517 views · #Writing

Plans for more chapters going forward. · 1:28am Jun 19th, 2017

I'm going to dedicate every Wednesday of the week to becoming my 'boredom day', which should get my mind going enough that it will try to entertain itself by making up stories. That should let me write more chapters per week, which means everyone can read more :D

Thank you all for being patient while I sorted out some life stuff, but I need to get off my butt and write more :twilightsmile:

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Relentless · 11:19am Jul 18th, 2015

Relentless, and tired. Five hours writing and it's now 4AM.

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Report scifipony · 438 views · #writing

2018 · 12:31am Jan 3rd, 2018

It's been far too long since I published anything. This will change. I'm now intending to go ahead with the block-breaker adventure before too much longer. Don't expect anything remotely special -- it is a block-breaker after all, so just getting stuff out there will be the main priority -- but as one possible point of interest, this story will have a main protagonist who is a canon character but isn't a Mane Sixer, Starlight, CMC or princess.

Report Loganberry · 435 views · #writing

In which Logan actually writes a second chapter! · 7:54pm Jan 20th, 2018

Chapter 2 of The Danger Within is now out! It's called "More Questions than Answers", and I'm sure you'll have a few of the former after reading it. Will we learn any more about where Fancy, Flutters and Rares have ended up? Will they meet anyone to help -- or hinder? Will Rarity calm down a bit? Somewhere between none and all of those questions will be answered this time. :twilightsheepish:

TThe Danger Within
A magical accident at a castle garden party leaves Fancy Pants, Rarity and Fluttershy apparently alone in the middle of... somewhere. But where, and how will they make it home?
Loganberry · 8.8k words  ·  14  1 · 563 views
Report Loganberry · 360 views · #writing

A "new" Story · 4:59pm Sep 17th, 2018

Ha ha. Ha. No.

This story actually dates to 2014, and then it sat for several years before I remembered that it was even there. It was originally going to be a flashback aside for another (much larger) story about the modern MLP Rarity, but it is nearly 5000 words all by itself.

So it got cut. I re-read it a few weeks ago, and I think it's good writing. So, I'm posting it. I think it's sweet.

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Report Dr Blankflank · 347 views · #writing

Rules for writing essays · 1:38pm Aug 13th, 2021

What are the literary characteristics of an essay? How to successfully apply its literary side to write a winning essay?

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Report Katedavis · 305 views · #writing

A look at written versus visual media with a discussion of some of Shirley Jackson's work · 1:57am Jul 20th, 2022

Eh, I haven't done a writing blog in forever. Why Shirley Jackson? I just read a book of some of her collected works, and it got me thinking about how different media are better at doing certain things, which isn't exactly a new idea. Bear with me, after the break.

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Report Pascoite · 319 views · #writing

Writing: Philip Roth on writing Anne Frank fan-fiction · 4:57pm Jun 29th, 2014

Summarized, with a slant for our purposes: Roth tried writing about Anne Frank, but found he'd just been reminding people of her existing story, instead of writing a new story. So he rewrote it in first person, then rewrote that back into third person.

INTERVIEWER: Do you ever take long chunks that have been dialogue and make them into narrative, or the other way around?

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Report Bad Horse · 1,205 views · #writing

A philosopher on minimums. How to write an essay? · 9:05am Jul 12th, 2022

The answer to the question, "Is studybay legit?" is simple-"Whatever you want, write it." This is not a joke or a disclaimer. The essay is the freest possible form of a short prose essay. The only significant limitations to all types of essays are except for the small volume, the presence of the author's opinion, and a more or less definite reason or theme for the text.

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Report AmberEvans · 202 views · #writing

I found a new writing tool · 4:25am Jan 24th, 2017

Give it a look. It seems that it is helpful and useful. It analyses context, which is great. I think I might give it a try to see how it does. There are a few other good links in the article for writers, so I'd suggest giving it a look.


Not a writer anymore · 11:12pm May 15th, 2017

Everyone here can have all the story writing you want. My days of writing are officially over.


I'm going to write today · 9:28pm May 12th, 2016

i've been really busy. i deliver flowers and last weekend was mother's day. my rock band is getting more gigs and i've been on a bit of a music writing streak and i'm getting the ponytones up and running again. but i have a long road trip today and tomorrow to work on stuff. i wanna write for you guys. i love you. so it's time to write.


Shared point of view · 2:10am Dec 14th, 2013

There are more options for point-of-view than just omniscient, limited, and objective. Another interesting thing about The Comfort of Strangers, a novel by Ian McEwan, is that it uses a shared point of view. We are in the minds of the two protagonists, and you could say it's switching back and forth like in a romance novel, but it feels to me like an omniscient viewpoint that can only see into the minds of certain characters, or like a single mind spread out between two bodies. Is there

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Report Bad Horse · 820 views · #writing

How I write · 4:00pm Oct 8th, 2015

"Hmm, I'm going to work on A Night With: Rainbow Dash 2" :rainbowdetermined2:

*Starts writing for it, gets four words*

"Welp, time for a break." :raritydespair:

*sits and thinks while listening to music, thinks about Nazis and Ponies for some reason.*

"I'm going to make this a story!" :trollestia:

*Writes the idea for it, gets half a chapter done, stops when I start thinking about Fallout Equestria*

"I should write for that too!" :raritystarry:

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Report Dustchu · 423 views · #Writing

Why Do You Write? · 12:54pm Apr 16th, 2016

After reading this excellent blog from bookplayer, it had me really thinking... why am I writing fanfiction? What am I trying to accomplish?

Kind of long, but if you stick around 'till then end, you'll get a pony!

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Report Twi-Fi · 572 views · #Writing

Things I plan to do when I have time to write again · 9:09pm Sep 18th, 2015

-Next chapter of Taxonomy. Speaking of which, do you guys think it needs the "dark" tag? The tags on this site frustrate me. I'm of the opinion that you can have a comedy with sad moments.

-Thinking of scrapping Double Agent and starting it again. The spy plotline just isn't working for me. I initially started this as kind of a way to loosen up my writing, but it's TOO loose. Maybe I should just focus on Discord's childhood.

-A one shot based on one of Alara's ideas.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 445 views · #writing
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