• Member Since 30th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2021

Captain Wuzz

\m/ I like the devil's music (and his beard). Hide your daughters etc. I mostly write Discord stuff, because nobody parties like a trickster god.

About me

Awkward bastard with a penchant for rock music, drawing and nature. I seem to write mostly one-sided Fluttercord or friendshipping between the two, but pretty much enjoy most Discord stories.

Music: Clutch, QOTSA, Mastodon, Tripping Daisy, Soundgarden, Screaming Trees, Garbage, NIN, Tori Amos, REM. Why, yes, I am a child of the 90s. Why do you ask?

Pixel gif by Mr. Poniator

Comments ( 102 )
  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102

If anyone sees it how do you use the password for hidden stories? I just recently got a wave of nostalgia and wanted to read some fanfics but they are hidden and when I try opening with the link it says 404 page not found? Do i have to put a password somewhere or are they just gone now?

I hope one day you'll return to this site, few people manage to write discord as well as you

Heck I really love your stories! They’re all so wonderful!

Good timing. Wuzz just gave links to her hidden stories in the most recent blog post

Hey! I actually wanted to ask about some of your old stories. I had quite a few favorited, but they’ve all disappeared. I actually came to ask if you could put them back up. Barring that possibility, is there a way I can read them separately from here? They were some of my favorites.

  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102
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