• Member Since 17th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"


Discord went through a brief "arts and crafts" phase a few millennia ago, but even he knew some of his creations were too dangerous to be left lying around. So he buried them someplace where he figured nopony could ever find them again, and he moved on with his life.

He didn't count on the intrepid Daring Do coming along and messing things up...

Pre-reading, proofreading, guidance, and encouragement by OnionPie and Woolly!
Cover image stitched-together from here and here and here.
Trigger warning: Fluttercord

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 36 )

A fine work finally complete. It has been an absolute pleasure proofreading it for you. This is a highly entertaining story. Most definitely worth the read.

That was a fun story. I don't really ship Fluttershy with Discord, but it was still an entertaining read. :)

A pleasure. :twilightsmile:

This is one of the more original Fluttercord fics I've read and Daring Do having a schoolgirl crush on Discord is just awesome.

This is...



*shrug* Whatever *upvote*

Only one chapter in and I'm hooked. ^^ I know that 'an enjoyable read' is a common phrase that gets thrown around when people can't articulate what they like about a story, but I don't really know any other way to describe this because here I am, seriously enjoying the story. Can't wait to finish this funny and romantic fic.

I'll probably read the whole thing by today. :derpytongue2:

Just finished it, and as expected, it has earned a place in my favorites library. :rainbowkiss:

Hmm. There's the potential for a great story here, but it feels rushed and incomplete. I'm not sure what pieces are missing, though, so I suggest submitting this story to one of the review groups and getting some feedback from them.

(╯° w °)╯
It's amazing. I love it in every possible way. Up votes, favorites, everything. :twilightsmile:

That was a fun little adventure story. You managed to take Daring Do and at least make her relevant. The truth is when they made Daring Do real (within the context of the show) I thought it was a major mistake and I do truly dislike that episode. Your story however, makes her useful and worthwhile so kudos for that.

I was left with a few questions that do go beyond the scope of the story. I'll put these in black out just in case to not ruin plot points for readers If Discord is the Spirit of Chaos, how can he separate himself from Chaos? It would be one thing if he were merely a practitioner of chaotic magic but, since he is the physical embodiment of Chaos along with being noted as its spirit he is in fact Chaos. By ending his ties to himself he should by all rights cease to exist. If that occurs then all that is left is order and if all that is left is order would that not lead to, ultimately the ending of the world because there would be nothing to balance everything out?

This leads to the question of the goggles, if they were made by him and they are chaotic, and he's the Spirit of Chaos why would they effect him? Wouldn't it be more like lighting two matches and putting them together in an open area the fire not going out. I mean Daring Do might try and hump his leg or something but, he could get around that.

All in all I thought it was a cute story and I had fun reading it.

6307638 Rest assured, the pleasure was mutual. :derpytongue2:

6307670 I've discovered that divisions can run deep between those who ship differently. But if we can unite in the enjoyment of ridiculousness, there may yet be hope for peace in our time. :scootangel:

6307896 I knew I could write decent Discord with you in my corner. :pinkiehappy:

6307910 Thank you. :moustache:

6308004 I'm not going to complain about it being called "enjoyable." :twilightsmile:

6308087 Frankness is always appreciated. :eeyup:

6308101 We aim to please! :raritywink:

6309090 These are good things to consider. But as Discord himself might say, what fun is there in making sense? :trollestia:

An excellent beginning and an absolutely ADORABLE fluttercord scene, I loved the notecards! And the characterization was wonderful! I think I'll read the rest! C:

Oh, and I like the originality of this. Haven't seen something quite like this before in terms of overall plot.

Shoot! Now I'm really worried that he'll never have his powers again! Loved this!

Ooh, I love your angry Discord.

Cute and entertaining! But woah, Discord with no powers, but Fluttershy?!? You gots potential for a sequel here. Very good and original! And heartwarming too!

6314337 Thank you for your many wonderful comments! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. You're also the second person to suggest there's sequel potential... :ajsmug:

What a great story, I really liked the adventure, and Discord teaming up with Daring Do isn't something you see very often. I was just hoping there would be more hijinks with those shipping-goggles instead of them beeing only used once.

I reviewed this story!

My review can be found here.

The Fluttercord scenes were cute! Hopefully Discord can find out who took his old I'll-advised object!

Poor Disord had to give up his powers. Will he get his powers back?

Go Discord and Daring Do! Woo hoo!

6324457 What's this, a comment I hadn't replied to! :pinkiegasp: A belated thank-you is in order. And who knows... just because they're broken doesn't mean they can't be fixed... :pinkiecrazy:

6365417 Thank you for reading and reviewing!

6373881 Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Pretty fun. Quite interesting.

A little anticlimactic that it just skips straight to the ending. The way it starts, one almost expects a journey full of wacky hijinks after the destruction of the goggles. But not bad at all.

I find it odd that the doc seems to know everything, yet still doesn't just ship them again, like they feared. That would be more effective than using goons and running. Also, Discord lecturing him on love struck me as odd, but that might just be because I always kinda see Dissy as new to the concept. It just seems odd to hear him talk so heroically, what with implying that he knows what love really is and his open concern for the mortal world.

Still, it was worth reading. Well done.

6531087 Great comments! The first draft actually had a few scenes of them traveling and contacting the princesses for help, but I ended up feeling like they didn't add enough to justify keeping. Pacing in general was difficult with this story... it took effort to move the part where Discord loses his powers as late as it was, and unfortunately that also kind of limited how crazy I could make the fight scene with Caballeron. I'll agree that something more original could have been done with that scene, but I kind of wanted to keep it raw and physical; his lecture/rant is a moment where he gets to show the reader his feelings about Fluttershy in a way that he's too tongue-tied or unlucky to manage otherwise...

6542414 Thank you! :twilightsmile:

This fan fiction won first place in The Bizarre Shipping Contest!

It was added to the group hall of fame here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/207724/the-equestrian-writers-guild/thread/193037/hall-of-fame

It was also featured on the group's main page.

You will have your piece read on YouTube and featured in a blog by Kirito Persona.

Congratulations for winning first prize!

Discord knowing that Monty Python bit is PERFECT!

I'm here for the hinted Daballeron.

sequel? :twilightsmile:

Ha, ha, ha. You and your random stories! Bravo! This is cool, what do we call it, Daring-cord? And yes, it seems to want a sequel, any chance of that?

Never say never. :rainbowkiss:

I've had lots of loose ideas for the sequel, though some have crisscrossed with a couple other stories I've been struggling to flesh out past their opening hook. My biggest enemy is time; I realize now that my first year-plus in the herd lent itself better to writing-time than life before or since. And I already have several projects in the works that I need to just finish.

But yeah, I would still love to sequel this. Though speaking of time, I think enough time has gone by that whatever I do, I would want the sequel to stand pretty well on its own.

But yeah, I would still love to sequel this. Though speaking of time, I think enough time has gone by that whatever I do, I would want the sequel to stand pretty well on its own.

Oh I agree with that, maybe something more along the lines of related stories as other artifacts resurface? Heck, do them right and not every story will need Discord or Fluttershy to even show up. But I do so want to know who Caballeron is going to try to ship Chrissi with when he makes his escape attempt after fixing the glasses... :rainbowlaugh:

Oh my... will he get his powers back?!
Love it!

Don’t kill no pony!

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