• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.


Daring Winifred Do, the youngest daughter of one of the wealthiest families in Equestria, is dispatched with her elder sister to oversee an archaeological expedition deep on the farthest edge of Southern Equestria.

Deep in the Red Desert, archaeologists have unearthed a strange and ominous pyramid. A pyramid that the locals desperately fear--even as they refuse to acknowledge its existence.

Its purpose was forgotten millennia prior. It was abandoned and forgotten, lost to the sands.

And Daring Do quickly realizes that perhaps it was better off left that way.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 71 )

Oh hell yeah! Already off to a good start. Wun and Daring make a good pair, and I'm extremely excited to see what horrific nightmares you put them through.

Great to see you are writing again.

This looks good. Me likes.

Woah, a new fic from you! And one that updates periodically instead of being dropped all at once? I can dig it.

Yeeee young Daring Do I'm excited! :twilightsmile:

Okay, so this is a prequel to Hand of Doom, in a sense. Most of your non-AU stories are all seamlessly connected in a web of subtle references, so I can never tell if what you're foreshadowing is going to end up as a callback or something totally new. Also:

“No need,” said the camel. “We are in a very good mood today. After all, it is Wednesday.”
Daring frowned. “What’s so special about Wednesday?”
The unicorn and his wife looked at each other and giggled.

This is a Hump Day joke. You magnificent bastard.

Really like this so far, looking forward to see where it goes.

The group that came through two weeks ago, THOSE were mercenaries.


She wriggled in a serpentine motion and in an instant had vanished beneath the surface of the sand. Then everything was still as she proceeded to wait.

Wait...what? :twilightoops:


First, Nightmare Moon isn’t real. She’s a mythological figure as part of the Celestine creation myth.

Now the question is did ponies come up with that explanation, or Celestia herself?

I was not expecting so many stellar jokes in this. :rainbowlaugh:

“Does this thing actually fly?”

“Does Nightmare Moon drink moonshine?”

Asking the real questions here, aren't we?

I was not expecting another canon character, especially Gruff. I've almost never seen him written. Regardless, I'm liking where you're taking the plot.


And here I had forgotten how ruthless Wun could be.


I'm glad you accepted that age stuff into your offical canon cuz I thought that was really neat detail in Hand of Doom.


You know I realized something between this story and the last: Wun has a thing for ripping off wings. Jealously over something she can never have perhaps?

“Are you a cunning one?”

:facehoof: Womp womp.

Wun did not get a chance to answer because, overcome by excitement, Daring Do ran toward the pyramid. Before she could be stopped, she left over the threshold and into the blackness within—and promptly fell a good distance, her face landing hard against cold metal.

...it's remarkable she survived 30-40 years.

So, given that it was being guarded by thestrals and Daring's bit of exposition, this may be a marker of some unfathomably egregious crime that has nonetheless been completely forgotten in the modern day (if it was ever known outside of this region). Fun! Well, she's cracked open, let's take a peeksie! What's the worst that could happen? :derpytongue2:

Also, agree that the age thing is a neat addition that leads to lots of interesting thoughts.

I agree that it seems the thestrals built the pyramid at some point. But it's a bit strange then that the thestrals we met in the last chapter said they were guarding it. If this is the marker of a hideous crime, wouldn't they want to forget it? Or at least state they were not as much guarding the pyramid, as protecting others from it?

Also I should probably read "the Hand of Doom" at some point.

Ehh...I think it makes sense that they'd have been instilled with a tradition of trying to keep people away if who/whatever committed the crime is still potentially...alive? Active? Viable?

Also I should probably read "the Hand of Doom" at some point.

11/10 would zoop again.

This might have some connection to Luna. After all it has been stated in his other works that Princess Luna owns the bloodline of the thestrals

“No rivets. No signs of welds. No tool marks. As if it was forged in one piece."

wow Darring. knowing about welding metal yet not nowing about polishing the beads down. thats basic shit and i smh my head.

With each new revelation, I only have more questions. It's simultaneously engrossing and infuriating. Rather than anything about the pyramid, though, my biggest question is: if Caballeron knew Daring was afraid of snakes this whole time, why didn't he make a habit of keeping one as a pet once he turned bad later in life, to try and stop her from opposing him?

And I thought the conversation last chapter was cute. Poor Curiosity is too precious for this fic.

“No. Firstly, it is the shiny. We do not touch the shiny. Not now, perhaps not in your lifetime. Touching the shiny is always bad.”

Eyy, some genre awareness!

“Because she likes to watch your kind atrophy and age while she stays young forever. It makes her feel powerful.”

That's a yikes from me, dawg.

Daring smiled. She could barely hide that she was overjoyed by his confidence.

Aww, they're so cute now.

She's giving Curiosity The Poke? :fluttershbad:

A thestral wearing what appeared to be an oversized, knitted tea cozy.


Caballeron looked at her, and then looked away. “I have a job to do.


“What is that thing?”

“What it is is irrelevant,” said Wun. “What matters is that I own it, and my possession is attempting to escape.”

Whew. Talk about a wun-track mind....

Your stories are always worth waiting for.

Obviously Wun couldn't be killed, as this is a prequel, but I'm surprised she held out as long as she did.


As one can probably tell, magical duels are one of my favorite things to write.

That we can! They're always a blast to read, and this one was no different.

Caballeron: Seht is super evil and dangerous, we all need to run!
Wun: I'ma bang him.

Wun, in this case, relies on motion (among other things) heavily due to her inherent weakness at magic.

How dare you say such a thing about a superior being! :twilightangry2:

“I think it might be a dark unicorn.”

Oh, so it's a Sombro? Neat.

inb4 reenactment of 'Lemee Smash', where Wun is the Ron.

“GAH!” cried Curiosity. “THINGS! SMELLS! I want to roll in it! I want to ROLL IN IT!”


“This is not the time for cooking,” snapped Honor.

Zipper your moth.

The spices scattered across the sand, and Curiosity immediately began to roll in them.


Somehow I missed this story despite following
you. I'm going to correct that right now.

Felt smiled, and pointed to his face and the violet mottling of his coat on his neck. “I was, unfortunately, not born white. A colored pony has no place in House Twilight. Nor does it bother me, though. Courtly life is not exactly my forte.”


“They don’t experience love. Just calculation, I guess. I could get attacked by cobras in front of them, they would expect me to deal with it while they just watch. It’s expected.” Daring sighed. “It’s something you learn to tolerate.”

Twilight must be a very interesting princess of friendship in this universe then.

Wun increasingly and desperately wanted to produce numerous children with that level of power and resolve.

Well, at least given the other story they do eventually discover cloning in the far future.

Also I can totally image Twilight like this now in your verse:

Felt smiled. “That an immortal born of House Twilight will lay waste to this world and bring about the demise of all things pony. None of this House are immortal, and none ever shall be. This, I assure you.”

“And yet I fear I awoke too early regardless.”

Now I'm just curious how Equestria is like in the far future.


Felt smiled. “That an immortal born of House Twilight will lay waste to this world and bring about the demise of all things pony. None of this House are immortal, and none ever shall be. This, I assure you.”

Gat dangit Celestia.

Oh man, you really know what you're doing after all your prior writing experience.

Hole did that already:

TEquestria 485,000
Twilight Sparkle returns to Equestria half a million years after leading the last living ponies into space.
Unwhole Hole · 153k words  ·  176  4 · 2.6k views

Thanks! I'm guessing Seht woke up way too early, and probably can't fly to space.

For some reason I was expecting her to suddenly teleport in.

Seht turned to her. “You. I do not understand you. This emptiness. This singlemindedness. No fear. No love. There is nothing I can say to hurt you. Nothing in this world has meaning to you. Only the joy of obtaining more.” Seht paused. “Is...this what unicorns have become in my absence?”

This reminds me of Undertale. Nice.

Her questions had still not been answered, and she still felt deep suspicion in her gut. The puzzle was still not complete.

Hm. 🤔

The hilt, which had been redesigned for a non-magic bearing pony, bore a carved insignia of a thistle blossom.

How very interesting...

A griffon medic landed beside Wun and immediately began to administer the only medication that griffons ever used. That is, she began slapping Wun’s face relentlessly and with significant force.


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