• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 26th, 2024


Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.


A spider scares Fluttershy in the middle of the night, and Discord shows up to seek revenge.
A parody fanfic of "Eight Legs of Love" by Quiet2885 on Fanfiction.
cover art by discordlyconduct on tumblr.
DrWolf001 Dramatic Reading: [embed]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 74 )

Nicely done. This is one of the rare few that could actually be put in the show. :twilightsmile:

>The crawling thing with glowing red eyes turned it's attention to the large draconequus
>He turned it on it's sides

6093409 Because he likes Fluttershy and he is weird :moustache:


Because he has no sense of personal space.

Aww, this is really cute. I'm not a big Fluttercord fan, but I know a good story when I see one. :twilightsmile:

Dear God, that was funny! Laughed the whole time, great job!

Oohhh I don't know about putting it in the show part, I mean, Discord watching Fluttershy sleep isn't exactly family friendly. But thank you for reviewing and liking this story, I deeply appreciate the flattery:twilightsmile:

oh man i love this story and the laughter it hurts so much i didnt know a story could be this good and painful at the same time

I sometimes I like to watch you sleep. And when I say sometimes...I mean often.


Steven Universe?

Ding! Ding! Give the good little reader a prize!:yay::heart:

6093409 Because she's freakin adorable :rainbowkiss:

I think you might have a typo here:

Her bedroom flung wide open and crashed hard against the wall.

I think you mean bedroom door.

But other than that, ha ha, I was wondering how you were going to parody that fic and you certainly delivered. Had me giggling through the spider “battle.” *chuckles* That poor spider is probably scarred for life now.

Also *covers eyes with hand in despair* Oh, Discord, you’ve got a lot to learn about the does and don’ts of relationships, don’t you? Nice to see Fluttershy’s still got a firm grip on his leash and doesn’t just let the whole watching her sleep thing slide.

"and when i say sometimes, i mean often"
is that a reference from StevenUniverse?
Discord, thou art THE KING

Especially to Discord:raritywink::heart:

Thank you for reading, reviewing and liking my little parody fanfic. I'm glad that it made you laugh and smile, I appreciate your flattery of course:raritywink: Haha lol that poor spider is probably scared for life and his mate will seek for revenge. Revenge!
Oh yeah, I wasn't going to let Fluttershy let Discord get away with his behavior, where's the fun in that?:raritywink: Anyway, I hope the author of the original fic likes this.

Ding! Ding! Let's give another reader a prize!:yay:

Ehhh, I kept touching my face cause I hate spiders. Discord's a brave draconequus. But for real, this is funny as heck. And cute to see Discord lunging for the little spider. Just him being a silly weirdo who--

"Alright, alright. The truth is...I sometimes I like to watch you sleep. And when I say sometimes...I mean often."

Bad Discord! Bad!

I only have one small criticism, and it could just be a nitpick. But I can't help but find that him calling her "my dear" was used a bit much. Of course, a few times is no problem. But having him say it basically every other time he spoke is another thing, one that I don't really get with writers. I can see him saying it, but not consistently. Like I said, that's all I can really think of for criticism, so if that's all I can think of, nice work!

6093409 DF. Bride Of Discord.

Nice fic! Adorable and relatable and...why didn't the female spider attack Fluttershy?:rainbowhuh:

OMA :eeyup: Wow. Why the heck....

Haha lol so much yes to that Steven universe gif and to this review, thank you!:yay::heart:
Thank you for the good critique about the too many my dears, next time, I will be more conservative about that.
Glad that you liked the story:pinkiehappy:

This was just silly and adorable. You always make the most adorable Fluttercord stories. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to inject myself with 500 units of rapid insulin in order to mitigate the diabetes bomb I just read.
Because your story was really sweet. And insulin decreases blood sugar levels.
I'm a nurse. Just let me have this.

Really? You think I make the most adorable Fluttercord fics? DAWWW Thank you:heart::rainbowkiss: Haha lol okay Miss Nurse, I trust ya:raritywink: Sorry about the diabetes:derpytongue2:

Discord looked over her should like a suspicious child. His eyes widen at what she pulled out.

--I think you meant shoulder

Th' story's not bad. :pinkiesmile:

She dared not opened her eyes due to her own and her need for sleep.

Her own what? Or does the sentence just need a quick change?

It would inconsiderate of me

It would be inconsiderate of me

I liked this, equal parts fluffy and creepy, very well done for FlutterCord

"Alright, alright. The truth is...I sometimes I like to watch you sleep. And when I say sometimes...I mean often."

..........Discord is a Steven Universe fan confirmed. *blows noisemaker whistle*

Haha lol well...the author is anyway:raritywink:

Well, it's not like they don't have TV in Equestria, right?:twilightblush:

Haha lol that would be hilarious if our Mane 6 watched the Crystal gems on TV:derpytongue2:

Lol yeah. Though, now that you mention it, twilight is a heck of a lot like Pearl.

Oh yeah, Twilight is sooo like Pearl that it's not even funny:raritywink:

And, come to thin of it, Rainbow Dash is sort of like Amethyst. Applejack, I believe, would fit almost perfectly into Garnet's role.

In deed, Rainbow is just Amensyt:rainbowdetermined2: However, I don't think AJ is like Garnet at all. Garnet is more like Maud. They're both ponies of few words, monotone in speak, reserved, calm, but both super hilarious, strong and extremely caring of those they love. They are both extremely loving towards energetic characters aka Steven and Pinkie Pie.

Hmmmm... Holy cow, I never thought of that. Here I was comparing Applejack to Garnet because they're both really strong and serious.

Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Bwhaha lol perfect video for this story! Thank you:yay:

I thought Fluttershy has a special talent with animals, I know she's afraid of dragons, but I don't see her being afraid of spiders, except maybe the star spiders. She wasn't afraid of that one spider in Maud Pie, though.

The thing was she didn't know it was a spider until Discord proclaimed out loud it was a spider. So yes, she still likes spiders and all that.

Haha lol 10 out of 10:moustache::derpytongue2: Lol well thank you:pinkiehappy:

Mr Wolf made a dramatic reading of this story, cool XD

What a great and funny story. :)

Aww thank you for sending me the video and watching it:heart: I knew beforehand that Dr.Wolf was going to do a dramatic reading of this story, but I didn't know when it was coming out this week. I hoped that you enjoyed reading my story and enjoyed Dr.Wolf's reading of my story:pinkiehappy:

Daww thank you AW :rainbowkiss: How did you like the DrWolf reading of my story?

That Discord face for the cover. XD

Great story! Have a like and a fave! (I'd say follow, but, I'm already following you)

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