• Member Since 24th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago


I love fluttercord way too much.

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Calling All Rarity's Who Can Write Fashion! · 7:44pm June 27th

I need help describing a dress from this video of "Miss Harris Goes to Paris". What exactly is the top called with that shoulder wrap (?) and neckline, and how would you describe the skirt? I tried looking at guides online for different types of dresses and what you call them and it's so much, I'm not sure.

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Comment posted by Little galaxy deleted Nov 3rd, 2022

Thanks for asking! You too, have a wonderful day! :twilightsmile:

awww, thats sweet! Thank you for sharing, and I hope you have a blessed day! :twilightsmile:

My father used to call me "Tater" growing up, and I was always fond of the nickname. While he doesn't call me that anymore, it's my way of saying that I'll always be young at heart. And I'll always be his little girl.

whats the story behind your username?

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