• Member Since 4th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen May 30th


This ain't as easy as I make it look.

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Displaced Fics


SPD Human Resources · 6:50pm Oct 8th, 2015

This is where all SPD Employees are listed, where applicants can submit their resumes, and urgent job openings will be posted. If you are selected for a position, you will receive a reply to the comment you posted.

Current SPD Personal, By division

Patrol Troopers

Anubis Cruger-Commander in Chief, A Squad Shadow Ranger
Rainbow Dash-A Squad Red Ranger
Night Stalker-A Squad Blue Ranger
Evil Breaker-A Squad Green Ranger
Hammer Fist-A Squad Yellow Ranger

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Report cyberlord4444 · 2,128 views · Story: SPD Emergency · #Role Play #Displaced

New Story · 5:58pm Oct 23rd, 2018

Hey guys
I recently created a TF2/Voltron crossover over on AO3, so give it a try
In addition, please take a look at the story that inspired it, a TF2 Overwatch story by the impressive Betery
PS. If you want to keep an eye out for additional chapters, make sure you subscribe to the series, not the story, for both.

Comments ( 104 )
  • Viewing 100 - 104 of 104

I just posted my application.

hello what happen to zenko13?

Engie, will you be continuing Slugging it out?

You say that like I wouldn't, Turing ranks directly below Nyx for favorite MLP OC

Thanks for the fave on "Human After All!" :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 100 - 104 of 104
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