Tales of a Wizard: Flesh MasksEquestria finds itself under attack and grossly unprepared for a new and ruthless threat. Fortunately, a certain wizard was pulled into the fight as well, and must lend his knowledge to Equestria and its protectors to help combat this threat.by Applechip
247,585 words
· 496 · 25
With their alliance freshly created, Harry Dresden and the Equestrians must work to turn the tide in the White Council's ongoing war, and uncover a new potential threat.
These are the small adventures of the Elements of Harmony and wizard Harry Dresden as Equestria makes her first steps through the Veil and into the wilderness beyond.
Equestria finds itself under attack and grossly unprepared for a new and ruthless threat. Fortunately, a certain wizard was pulled into the fight as well, and must lend his knowledge to Equestria and its protectors to help combat this threat.
Tales of a Wizard: Flesh MasksEquestria finds itself under attack and grossly unprepared for a new and ruthless threat. Fortunately, a certain wizard was pulled into the fight as well, and must lend his knowledge to Equestria and its protectors to help combat this threat.by Applechip
247,585 words
· 496 · 25
Tales of a Wizard: Passing ConnectionsThese are the small adventures of the Elements of Harmony and wizard Harry Dresden as Equestria makes her first steps through the Veil and into the wilderness beyond.by Applechip
19,483 words
· 173 · 3
Tales of a Wizard: Creeping ShadowsWith their alliance freshly created, Harry Dresden and the Equestrians must work to turn the tide in the White Council's ongoing war, and uncover a new potential threat.by Applechip
9,129 words
· 57 · 1
Pinkie's NightmarePinkie Pie returns home after a fun day with her friends, and seeks a fitful rest to recharge her energy and maintain the mask her friends see.by Applechip
3,205 words
· 28 · 0
I just finished Flesh Masks and I have to say that was an amazing story. I see you just posted a sequel story and I can't wait to start.
2289295 Ditto. Dresden stories are among my favorite on this site, I am eager to see when one of my favorites gets a sequel.
Any follow up to Flesh Masks?