• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen March 6th



Won't reach many, if any, but: · 5:36am Jun 16th, 2015

Wow am I out of the loop here. I decided today out of curiosity to see what some of the old gang was up to, and man is it depressing. Partially due to my terrible memory causing me to forget way too many cool and interesting people. But mostly due to how many seem to be gone. Even Vimbert, one of the people who got me into writing and editing (I can still hear the punctuation rant in my head, it never leaves) is gone. I'm happy he's happy, but it's sad to know that I've been unobservant enough

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Thanks for adding Care to Buy a Lady a Drink? to your favorites!

Thanks for the fave!

Thanks for the fave!

Thanks for the favourite on Cards Against Starlight!

Thank you for the fave on The Iron Horse! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :twilightsmile:

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