• Member Since 1st Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


An aspiring Author honing his skills by writing about these silly little ponies. A Fox of few words outside the realm of fiction, unless he gets on a roll with something.

Blog Posts

  • 249 weeks
    Ash vs. The End of the End

    I feel the need to speak about how differently the key events of Season 9 would play out in the Order-naries 'verse, but at the same time I don't feel up to making a proper story out of it. I'm going to split the difference with this blog, outlining what would happen without giving too much detail.

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  • 249 weeks
    And the magic goes on...

    What a way to end the series. From a story-crafting standpoint, I have some complaints about how the final two-parter got rolling, and the resolution isn't how I'd have handled it.
    The overall execution, however, and especially the final final episode, were wonderful.

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    1 comments · 321 views
  • 275 weeks
    Still can't help myself.

    I promised I'd focus on Pumahara after I finished Storm-chased, and I honestly have tried to get the next chapter done, but my silly, silly brain just can't leave the Order-naries 'verse slot on my WIP list empty for very long.

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  • 277 weeks
    Storm-chased complete and changed

    I put up the last chapter of Order-naries: Storm-chased a couple days ago. After looking at it, though, I found myself dissatisfied with the last couple paragraphs, so I've gone back and replaced them with a new, better-paced scene. One that I think works better for Ash and Rarity meeting the dust has mostly settled.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 278 weeks
    Cyan's launched another kickstarter

    The geniuses who brought us Myst, and thus indirectly made Aitran possible, have announced their newest game project: Firmament.

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    4 comments · 389 views

A Newcomer's Guide to CTVulpin's Fics · 2:41pm Jun 4th, 2016

Hello, fellow pony fan. I’m CTVulpin, and if this is the first time you’ve stumbled upon one of my stories, I want to say, first of all, thank you for considering reading it. But second of all, a fair warning: a lot of my stories belong to a single extended narrative universe, and it’s not a perfectly straight line through all of them. Reading from the beginning is highly recommended in order to understand references and jokes in

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Report CTVulpin · 592 views ·

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

No worries. Not every story or storytelling method is a good fit for everyone.
If you like an author but can't get into one of their stories, don't feel obliged to force yourself for their sake.

Hello ctvulpin I wanted to let you are a great writer but I wanted to apologise because I couldn't finish you mlp/Myst trilogy. For some unfathomable reason I couldn't get into them no matter how hard I tried. And no it's because it's, I don't know why to be honest it's just something is keeping me from enjoying them and I'm sorry for not being able to read them

Thanks for the favorite!

More pony/Myst please :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by AShadowOfCygnus deleted Apr 6th, 2014
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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