• Member Since 13th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


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Comments ( 19 )
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Thanks for the follow!

Can I nominate your awesome comment story to be put in the Never the Final Word anthology?

D'you like Canvas Curse? I'm just wondering, 'cause I couldn't help but notice your profile image.

Pantheon of Harmony...
Seriously though, do something with it 'afore I pull some Misery shit.

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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My real list of favorites...

...can be found in this blog. I'll keep it up to date as events warrant.


Why I haven't written in a while, part two. · 9:37pm Jul 27th, 2012

There are any number of culprits I could blame for not having written anything of late (aside from the barely-up-to-FIMFiction-standards 'In Which A Pony Gets Diabetes'). I could blame online roleplaying, webcomics, a lack of inspiration, issues with my RL energy, The Binding of Isaac, and so on and so forth. But instead I'm going to blame a number.


That's how many words of stories on this site I have bookmarked to read later.

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