• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
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A Christmas Update/Thing · 6:35pm Dec 25th, 2013

First of all: Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming/Good Winter Solstice Celebration to everyone. I hope you're enjoying your day, because I am mine. They say the best gifts in life are those that you already have, and as I sit here smelling delicious Christmas bacon and these cinnamon-pastry-things my mom always makes I'm inclined to agree. On a related note: Did you know FiMFiction had a blog function? I didn't. But now I do. So that's pretty cool.

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Comments ( 22 )
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Author Interviewer

Well, I get feeling out of zeitgeist for a parody. :)

Y'know, when I originally wrote that, I planned to keep it only on GDocs because that was how the original fic was. I never finished AB because my life got super busy and I had to put it aside in favor of school work/mental health. I haven't gone back to it simply because that kind of parody is only impactful at a certain time/place, and by the time I was in a place to write again I had moved on; I could have worked on it, but I was no longer invested in the fandom enough to pull of the parody/criticism I had originally planned.

Anyway, this is all to say that I had basically forgotten about Ancient Blunders, and I'm not sure I want to dredge up something old and unfinished, and kinda irrelevant. I'll think about it though.

And I am glad someone else remembered it at all, haha! I'm happy it made an impression, even thought I never got back to it. :P

Author Interviewer

Yo, you needa upload Ancient Blunders. :B

Idk man, I have a good chunk of the next chapter written, but I have just so much else going on in my life that it's hard to prioritize. Especially since I've kind of drifted out of the fandom recently. Still want to finish this but.... life @_@

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