A Christmas Update/Thing · 6:35pm Dec 25th, 2013
First of all: Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming/Good Winter Solstice Celebration to everyone. I hope you're enjoying your day, because I am mine. They say the best gifts in life are those that you already have, and as I sit here smelling delicious Christmas bacon and these cinnamon-pastry-things my mom always makes I'm inclined to agree. On a related note: Did you know FiMFiction had a blog function? I didn't. But now I do. So that's pretty cool.
Anyway, now that we're done with those lines of semi-nonsense, let me get down to business: Story Updates. Or rather, delays to those story updates. I've tagged Fallout: Equestria - Change in this post because, well, it's the only one I'm working on right now, and unfortunately that work is going slowly. My biggest obstacle is my current lack of reliable internet. I am currently writing this on my phone, and though I am able to do the same on GDocs, the simple lack of a physical keyboard (in addition to a reliable spellcheck, easy tabbing for research, etc.) slows me considerably. I am about 1/3 done with the next chapter, I'd say, and that's with me only having worked on it in the last two weeks--I set the fic aside completely after the last update, as finals were coming up for me--so I am making progress, but again that was mostly done during the time I had internet and still it would make me slower than the 1 chapter per month schedual I've been trying to roughly follow. So don't expect another update until January at best.
Anyway, just thought I'd give you all an update on how things are going on my end. I figure you deserve it for being such loyal readers. So again, Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming, and thank you for sticking around to read my silly pony stories.
Merry Christmas! Don't worry about story updates, we can wait.