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Howdy, I know your Last Seen was March 13th but I just wanted to let you know that even though you last updated your Fic in Nov 2015 I still stumbled upon it from a Friend and must say it was a fun Read. From reading through the pickings of comments from then ---> now I can see some people were fairly toxic, but I found your story to be Very charming and a nice Read. I understand that this is probably an Era of your life you dont care for anymore (nearly a Decade ago) but thank you for your contribution to the Fallout Equestria universe.
Here have a Bug for your Time !files.catbox.moe/c1hdf9.gif
Not letting that fool top off your page, friend.
I know you're gone, but you never know.
Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. 'Treasure Hunters' is one of my all-time favorite FoE stories on this site, and it's sad to see it go like that. But what can you do? People'll be people, and life won't stop throwing wrenches into our wheels just because we ask nicely.
Anyway, have a nice day dude! Hope to maybe see something stirring in the nigh-infinite depths of my 'follow'-marked stories someday, but if not, then that's fine too. ;-)
I stopped writing the story due to toxicity. I doubt I'll be back. Occasionally I miss writing and I definitely miss Hidden Fortune and Lost Art's adventures. Sadly, there's little reason for me to come back to it; and with a full time job and other obligations, well... This fell off my priority list.
I'm very sorry.