• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 11th, 2014

Red Light

Not here anymore


Goodbye · 3:35am Jul 11th, 2014

This will be my final blog entry.

I'm leaving the Brony Fandom because it has made me sick at heart. I no longer like the show because of what I have seen online. I confess I've met gems of people in this fandom but in the end it's just not worthwhile. I can't really say my experience on Fimfiction was altogether pleasant. I will be deleting all my stories too.

Goodbye Bronies Fandom, I can't say I'm going to miss you.

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And you as well.

1261291 No problem. May you stay forever awesome.

I will miss you, even though I never had the chance to talk to you much.

Good bye. And I wish you luck in the future. :heart:

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