• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 7th, 2021


Enjoys fictional ponies playing with balloons. Heavy Text to Speech user. Quicksketch artist.

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Sick · 12:29am Dec 21st, 2014

I got sick. In hospital at request of family.
EDIT: Returned home that night. Diagnosed with Upper Respiratory Infection and given meds to treat it.

Report RevelRomp · 519 views ·
Comments ( 32 )
  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32

Hey. It's been a while.

Thank you for following Fallout Equestria: Space Captain Andromeda

We'll try not to disappoint :rainbowdetermined2:

I used to play around on Sabrous too, I was a Chuian :U
I found it ages ago just stumbling around sheezyart, back when that was a thing. Only the first couple chapters were out and I got instantly hooked.

1623027 Ah. Well the story of how I ended up involved with the comic is kinda bouncy and silly. Suffice to say I more ended up at the comic because I got my introduction to the concept of Roleplaying from the comic author's MUD, Sabrous. And some of the species from Sabrous are shared with Inhuman.

1622294 Awesome, I been readin' it since the very beginning but never found someone else that's heard of it

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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