Steam: Citric Wastrel
Deviant Art: Monoglyph
Bandcamp: Lemongod
Google Plus: Dmitry Shcherbakov
Stories I enjoyed found here.
The Stars Will Aid Their Escape The Great and Powerful Trixie meets a certain Messenger. MLP / Cthulhu Mythos crossover 36,123 words · 225 · 10
Martial Bliss Shining Armor learns the most important tactical lesson of his life. 1,514 words · 2,899 · 37
This is where I've listed my contact information.
A promotion piece for my most recent tale.
This is where my compositions are located.
Cigarettes & Gunmetal Sundry tales from a cyberpunk Equestria. Be it a mysterious murder, a corporate raid or a distant war, the Solar Kingdom knows no peace. 90,723 words · 78 · 7
Their Otherworldly Grace A blending of H. P. Lovecraft's cosmic horror stories and the My Little Pony universe. The unknowable deities of the Gray Domain have their eyes on fair Equestria. Will Twilight succumb to their influence? 34,397 words · 130 · 1
My Money's Safer in My Mattress Twilight and company are robbing the Equestrian National Bank. Shenanigans and crazy antics abound. 7,868 words · 87 · 5
Lest There Be Light The main cast find themselves isolated in a strange outpost on the border of infinity. They are tasked with discovering why they're here and how to go about returning home. 20,124 words · 25 · 2
Some of my "artistic" endeavors.
Three syllables are more professional than two. · 4:25pm Jul 25th, 2015
So, I work as a lowly patient transporter at a local hospital, right? No, shut up, that was a rhetorical question, of course I do. Alright, I’m not gonna make a habit out of talking smack about my workplace ‘cos I do actually have bills that need paying. But this bit had me giggling to myself for the better part of at least fifteen minutes, so I figured I’d share.
Yeah, not fronting, I guess I’m easily amused, whatever.
Thanks for the kind words, sir! True, I was jealous of the bigger authors around here once and their legions of watchers and so on, but I've learned to content myself with what I have. As long as somebody reads my writing and likes it, everything's okay, even if that somebody is myself. Thank you for the watch!
Wow. Your writing is excellent and yet criminally underrated.
Well thank ya kindly. 20th. Here's to another year.
Happy Birthday Monoglyph!
Thanks for the fave! I hope I continue to impress with the future chapters.