• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen April 21st



A Different Chapter · 3:37pm Feb 22nd, 2019

Hey y'all

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Report Relyet · 372 views · Story: Fallout Equestria: Ashes ·

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Yup yup, looking forward to more!

Don't bother with trying to please everyone. It only adds stress to what you are trying to accomplish. I tried to please everyone once, it sucked due to how it's impossible. So I suggest just do what you are doing and ignore people who are negative just because they can't stop being bigoted.

Ooh, I see! That's very interesting, I typically tend towards introversion myself, so I tried to write what I know in a main character, but I'm glad someone else can relate. I also like to run the range of humor, from dry to more obvious, hopefully I can please everyone.

Disabled combat veteran. Have issues with crowds, people in general now. Prefer not dealing with them. The reactions you give her to others are how I normally am. I also share her sense of humor, as in hard to spot.

Thank you again, and I'm really glad to hear that! If I could, I'd like to ask what about Luminescence do you relate to?

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