• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 23rd

Gamma Deekay

My Stories


Some unfortunate news. · 11:18pm Jun 10th, 2023

Howdy there, everyone. It's been a while since I've given you all an update, and for that, I'm sorry. I wish I could say that things have been going well recently, and that I've got a new chapter for you all. However, I haven't really felt like writing. Unfortunately, my Father passed away unexpectedly recently, and between dealing with sorting his affairs, my family, and my own feelings, I've just been too drained.

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Comments ( 81 )
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Doing alright out there? 🤓

GOD BLESS!!! God loves you, now and forever.

Sorry for the late response, it's been a pretty hectic week for me. :pinkiecrazy:
The short answer for you, is everything. Sparkle power, alchemical generators, RTG, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, alcohol, hell I even have wood fired machines here and there. If you want my advice for writing energy sources, go with whatever works for you, there's nothing off limits really. However, that is within reason! I mean, while someone may be able to refine enough gas to keep a small efficient car running, there would never be a way to keep a battleship fueled with enough oil to sail anywhere. Because it's the nuclear allegory here, sparkle power is generally the easy fallback, so if you really can't decide, just default to that and you can't really go wrong!

I hope that helps!

Hi, my name's GaleWind, a fan of your stories. I have a question for you: I'm writing my on FoE side story, with an idea for another, and they have vehicles in them as well and I was wondering what's powering yours? I've dabbled in gas or a large spark battery in my story, but any advice would help.

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