• Member Since 16th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 5th, 2023



on what I named my bookshelves · 1:16pm Jun 9th, 2015

as the title said, I named my book shelves for a reason, not just as a favorite.

The names that are public are as follows

Currently Reading, I named it this what I am trying to finish or stay caught up on reading in their entirety. This even includes hunting down their sequels to read and finish.

Read It Later, This is for stuff I would like to read but want to wait for more chapters from it, or for when I get in the mood to get back to reading it.

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Report Kalebon · 318 views ·
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You've done me a solid, reading up Do Me a Favor..., and I'm really happy it got a spot on your list. Keep sticking around, you won't want to miss a moment of Vis.

Also, I am curious what you thought of the story.

How are you enjoying Adventures in Eroquestria?

Also, don't be afraid to make the rolls and suggestions for potential upcoming chapters, can cand do so in the comments or PM

Thanks for adding my story "The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds to your bookshelf. Chapters added daily! :-) Enjoy!

Thanks for throwing more of my stories into your library. I am always grateful for any fans and any input they can give me. So, Like and Comment. I look forward to whatever you have to say. I do read everyone, even if I don't respond as quickly as I would like.

Thanks for adding Daydreamer's Bimbo Harem to your Library! What did you like about it?

  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100
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on what I named my bookshelves · 1:16pm Jun 9th, 2015

as the title said, I named my book shelves for a reason, not just as a favorite.

The names that are public are as follows

Currently Reading, I named it this what I am trying to finish or stay caught up on reading in their entirety. This even includes hunting down their sequels to read and finish.

Read It Later, This is for stuff I would like to read but want to wait for more chapters from it, or for when I get in the mood to get back to reading it.

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Report Kalebon · 318 views ·