• Member Since 13th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Monday



Might be wise to reread The Last Sentinel a little... · 11:20pm Jun 14th, 2016

Possibly from Reflection Nineteen: Blood and Water. Possibly before... say, next week.

Just saying.

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Comments ( 60 )
  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60

I see you logged in 5 hours ago... I feel it's worth mentioning that I only hope whatever you're up to, your heart is in it.

All the best to you Adder1.
(PM me if you want the messages/comments to stop.)

Edit: Feb 19th, 2023. (Pretty sure edits don't notify the author but do correct me if I'm wrong.)
I came back to check and can't help but see that I flooded Adder's home page. So I am sorry for that Adder.
Whatever you're up to, I wish you the best.

Holy shit, mate. I just took a look at the last two pages of your comments. That's all gotta be some suffering to get notifications for.

Comment posted by Lysander Shadowheart deleted Feb 19th, 2023
Comment posted by Lysander Shadowheart deleted Feb 19th, 2023

Hi Adder, just checking that I didn't miss a blog somehow and yes, I am still excited for that next chapter. I hope all is well with you and life is good.

  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60
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Might be wise to reread The Last Sentinel a little... · 11:20pm Jun 14th, 2016

Possibly from Reflection Nineteen: Blood and Water. Possibly before... say, next week.

Just saying.


Might be wise to reread The Last Sentinel a little... · 11:20pm Jun 14th, 2016

Possibly from Reflection Nineteen: Blood and Water. Possibly before... say, next week.

Just saying.